OPP “Quality and safety control in the food industry and in the beauty industry” (Master's degree)
Mandatory educational components
Modern methods of quality assessment, safety and identification of food adulteration
"Innovative technologies of products of animal and plant origin"
Elective educational components
Methods of determining the falsification of perfumery and cosmetic products
Educational component (OK) "Perfumery methods of determining falsificationcosmetic products" deepens and combines fundamental knowledge, obtained during the study of previous disciplines, provides theoretical training, necessary for mastering special courses and further mastering technological processes in the production and identification of cosmetic products. Competences, received by students in the process of studying this educational component, are used by them in the further study of technological disciplines, performance of coursework, research works, qualifying master's theses.
Genetically modified food
The spread of genetically modified organisms in the world and in Ukraine is becoming increasingly widespread. Transgenesis is carried out in various groups of organisms – bacteria, plants, mushrooms, animals. The educational component examines the theoretical foundations and history of the emergence of genetically modified organisms, their use in various branches of the economy, in particular, food production, quality and safety of food raw materials and food products, the main risks of using transgenic organisms, the positive ones are highlighted, negative aspects of the development of genetic engineering activities, international documents are analyzed, legislative framework of Ukraine, dynamics of production volumes, regulatory experience in individual countries, varieties, methods and procedures for detecting genetic modification. The educational component "Genetically modified food" is based on knowledge, received by a higher education student as a result of studying the educational components "Quality Management and Innovation Management", "International legislation on quality control in the food industry and in the beauty industry", "Innovative technologies of products of animal and plant origin".
Food toxicology
With scientific development- technological progress, the number of potentially dangerous compounds in the human diet has increased many times. They can be the cause of various pathological processes and conditions. A deep study of the mechanisms of action of toxicants reveals new types of their adverse effects (carcinogenic, mutagenic, immunotoxic, allergic, teragogenic, embryotoxic and others). When studying the educational component "Food Toxicology", students will receive information about the harmful effects of various poisonous substances on humans, that come with food or are formed in food products. Biological significance of toxic substances in food products and factors, acting on their formation. Toxic and hazardous elements. Agrochemicals. Toxic organic compounds. Radionuclides. Mycotoxins. Natural toxic ingredients of plant origin. Natural toxic components of products of animal origin. Bacterial toxins. Assessment of toxicological risk, etc. Data on carcinogenicity are given, mutagenic and teratogenic effect of toxicants. Special attention is paid to the toxicology of polymeric materials, used in the food industry, toxicological risks, which arise from the use of products, containing GMOs and allergens.
Technical analysis of food additives and cosmetic products
Food additives are an integral part of food products, which perform various roles - from improving the organoleptic properties to extending the shelf life of food products. The educational component covers the main groups of food additives, their classification, regulation of technical analysis. The theoretical and practical issues of the use of traditional and new ingredients - food and dietary supplements in food technology are considered, spices, spices and seasonings. Physico-chemical and sensory methods of food additive analysis are considered, flavor mixtures, and cosmetic products, which are based on the principles of the regulation of good industrial practice, standards of operational control of the main quality parameters, systems of identification of dangerous factors.
Psychology and conflictology in professional activity
Analysis of risks in the production of food products and products for the beauty industry
Scientific foundations of waste-free and resource-saving technologies
Nutraceuticals and xenobiotics
Modern technologies for drying materials of plant and animal origin
Technologies of natural and organic cosmetics
Accreditation and certification in the food industry
Innovative technologies of the industry with KP
The discipline contains basic information on innovative technologies in the dairy and oil and fat industries, basic ingredients and production technologies of perfumery and cosmetic products with the aim of further application of knowledge in course design, research and master's theses and further practical work at dairy enterprises, oil-fat and perfumery and cosmetic industries. The goal of teaching the educational discipline "Innovative technologies of the industry" is the acquisition by students of professional imaginative thinking and the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which are related to technological processes of dairy production, oily and fatty, perfumery and cosmetic products, as well as the application of the acquired knowledge in further production activities.
Methodology of scientific research
The purpose of teaching the academic discipline "Methodology of Scientific Research" is to familiarize future masters-technologists with the specialty 181 "Food technologies" with scientific problems of milk processing, oil and fat and perfumery and cosmetic industries; study of methods and means of independent research; study of the main categories and methods of optimization as a modern scientific direction, possibilities and features of using optimization methods in solving practical tasks of food and perfumery and cosmetic industries; independent solution of scientific and technical tasks, as well as acquiring skills to work in scientific teams.
Methods of determining toxic substances in food products
Modern methods of determining toxic substances are described(toxicology of food products, chromatographic methods for determining toxic substances, spectral methods for determining toxic substances, extraction in food toxicology, methods of biotesting); the toxicology of food additives is given(food dyes, aromatic substances, flavor and aroma enhancers, sweeteners and sugar substitutes, food regulators of acidity and alkalinity, food stabilizers, thickeners, complexing agents and gelling agents, food preservatives, food antioxidants).
Food safety management
The basic provisions of the modern concept of food safety management are outlined (the essence of the concept of quality and safety, their modern concept; evolution of approaches to food safety and quality management; safety management functions for obtaining quality food products; methods and tools of food safety management; the concept of TQM - as an effective way of managing technologies for obtaining safe food products); creation of a quality and safety management system for the effective functioning of food production technologies (standardization of quality requirements,international ISO standards, QS, GMP; the system of analysis of dangerous and critical control points - HACCP; principles HACCP systems; introduction of the HACCP system at small and medium-sized enterprises; mandatory and recommended documentation of food safety management systems (according to the requirements of DSTU ISO 22000:2007).
Product quality management in milk and dairy products production technology
Basic information on the scientific and practical foundations for studying the discipline "Product quality management in milk and dairy products production technology" is presented.. Students get acquainted with the organization of the modern process of functioning of food enterprises, in particular dairy, focused on the production of quality products according to State and international control systems, which cover all consecutive production operations and the possible range of indicators for the objective evaluation of dairy raw materials, composition and quality of finished products.
Technology of special purpose food products
The discipline contains basic information on the requirements for special purpose products and technologies of food products for special nutrition - children's, herodietic, diabetic and immunomodulatory. The discipline "Technology of special purpose food products" is based on the mandatory educational components "Innovative technologies in the food industry and in the beauty industry", "Intellectual Property", "Methodology and organization of scientific research" etc. Knowledge and skill, acquired while studying the discipline, can be applied when mastering the mandatory educational components "Safety management in the food industry and in the beauty industry from the Kyrgyz Republic", "Technochemical and microbiological control in the food industry and in the beauty industry", during production and research practices, when completing the master's qualification work, as well as in further production activities at food industry enterprises.
Технології молочних продуктів спеціального призначення
Сучасні та крафтові технології у сироварінні
International legislation on quality control in the food industry and in the beauty industry
Educational component (OK) "International legislation on quality control in the food industry and in the beauty industry" is determined by the importance of the problem of providing consumers with high-quality and safe food products, the need to increase the competitiveness of domestic enterprises. Today, only those enterprises can achieve sustainable success, who will master the best practices of quality management. In modern conditions, ensuring high quality becomes an objective condition of existence, the most important factor in raising the standard of living, economic, social and environmental security. Standardization and certification play an important role in solving the quality problem, which are effective means of quality management and ensuring product safety. To make rational decisions regarding product quality improvement, need to know the problem, the evolution of approaches to it and practical experience in this area; use a systematic approach to quality management, international and domestic standards, to have the basics of certification. A modern specialist must understand and use new approaches to product quality management in his activities, quality management systems according to ISO series standards 9000 and HACCP.
Practice programs
Master's qualification work