History department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry begins with 1954 year, when the Department of Drying was organized at the Odessa Technological Institute of Food and Refrigeration Industry, which to 1967 year was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Georgy Kuzmych Filonenko.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. G.K. FilonenkoFilonenko G.K. was born in 1892. U 1922 graduated from the mechanical faculty of the Moscow Higher Technical School and received the title of engineer. WITH 1927 p. started working at the Ivanovo Energy Institute.

U 1939 p. defended his thesis and was approved for the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, and y 1940 year in the rank of professor.

He was the initiator of the organization of the energy department at the institute.

WITH 1930 by 1951 headed the Department of Industrial Heat Engineering for years, a h 1951 headed the department of gas furnace heat engineering.

G.K. Filonenko is the author of a number of scientific and technical articles for magazines and capital works in various fields of technology. U 1952 year G.K. Filonenko together with Doctor of Technical Sciences. P.D. Lebedev wrote the book "Drying plants".

Took an active part in public life: was a deputy of the district and city Council of Workers' Deputies, a member of the regional committee for the protection of peace, member of the Board of the All-Union Society for the Dissemination of Political and Scientific Knowledge.

In the 1960s, a research group was created under his leadership, which started scientific research on the theoretical foundations of the process of drying food products, search for new intensive drying methods, design of drying plants.

Under the guidance of Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Filonenko G.K. was protected 10 candidate theses.

He had government awards: Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War" 1941 – 45 ".

The department of milk technology and drying of food products was created in 1975 p. by merging the department of drying technology and part of the department of technology of meat and dairy products.

Prior to unification, the Department of Meat and Dairy Technology was headed by Associate Professor B.O. Tadulev., and the department of drying technology - Ph.D., prof. Grishin M.O.

Composition of the department 1975 year

Composition of the department 1975 year

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor B.A. Tadulev

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor B.A. Tadulev

Associate Professor Tadulev B.O. had extensive experience of practical work in the dairy industry of Ukraine. After graduating from the Leningrad Institute of Technology, he was mobilized into the ranks of the Soviet Army. He participated in the Great Patriotic War, was the defender of. Leningrad, and after the war he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of this city. Boris Oleksandrovych, seriously wounded in battle, was demobilized due to disability, therefore, even during the war in the territory liberated from the enemy, he participated in the restoration of destroyed enterprises of the dairy industry. In peacetime Tadulev B.O. held managerial positions - chief engineer of Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa city dairy plants, Odesa Regional Association of the Dairy Industry. It was during his leadership of the department that the laboratory of milk technology was equipped with pilot plants for the production of solids, processed and sour milk cheeses, condensed milk and butter. This equipment is used until now when studying the disciplines of the department for modeling technological processes of production of almost all types of dairy products in laboratory conditions, as well as in the scientific work of teachers, graduate students, masters, specialists.

Associate Professor Tadulev B.O. made a significant contribution to the development of the educational process, including course and diploma design, having behind him extensive practical work in industry. The teachers of the department are grateful to him for teaching.

Mykhailo Oleksandrovych Grishin was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army from the first days of the Great Patriotic War immediately after graduating from high school, went through the whole war and only in 1947 year was demobilized. U 1952 graduated with honors from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Food and Refrigeration Industry. He worked as the chief engineer of Kozmodemyanskyi, and then Oboyansky vegetable drying plants (Russia). Grishin M.O. carried out extensive work on the reconstruction and mechanization of production processes at enterprises. But the love of science won. U 1964 p. Mykhailo Oleksandrovych defended his PhD thesis under the guidance of a well-known thermophysicist, of a domestic classic in the field of drying, Ph.D., Professor G.K. Filonenko. From that time, the main direction of Grishin's scientific work was M.O. becomes a study of the theoretical foundations of heat and mass transfer, hydrodynamics of the suspended layer and improvement of methods of engineering calculations of the kinetics of the processes of the given drying rate. Mykhailo Oleksandrovych is the founder of the scientific school on the development of processes for drying food plant materials in a suspended layer. In the Soviet Union, the department, which was managed by prof. Grishin M.O., was a mainstay in the field of drying technology. U 1974 p. M.O. Grishin successfully defended his doctoral thesis, and y 1975 p. he was awarded the academic title of professor. Under the leadership of prof. Grishina M.O. a complete modernization of the drying laboratory was carried out, it was equipped with modern experimental dryers, which are equipped with automatic devices for controlling and adjusting the parameters of the drying agent. And at this time, the laboratory of the department has all types of dryers for the production of dry products, on which teachers conduct research, graduate students and masters not only of the department, and the entire academy. WITH 1961 p. M.O. Grishin participates in the training of specialists in the specialty “Technology of milk and dairy products”. Therefore, his election to the position of head of the department of milk technology and drying of food products was logical and natural. IN 1976 p. prof. Grishina M.O. appointed vice-rector for scientific work. In this responsible position during 10 Mykhailo Oleksandrovych organizes the scientific research work of the academy, combining it with the head of the department. These were years of fruitful activity, which brought a significant economic effect to the national economy. Many studies have been performed at the level of world achievements, awarded with medals and certificates at international exhibitions.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.A. Grishin

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor M.A. Grishin

Based on the research materials of Prof. Grishinim M.O. published over 250 scientific works, 4 textbooks and training aids, 1 directory, received 20 copyright certificates for inventions and patents. Protected under his leadership 25 candidates and 3 doctoral theses. Prof. Grishin M.O. - member of the Presidium of the International Committee on Drying of the CIS Countries, Academician of the International Academy of Refrigeration and the Academy of Technological Cybernetics of Ukraine.

For 14 Mykhailo Oleksandrovych was a member of the editorial board of magazines “News of universities. Food technology”, “Dairy industry” and “The world of ice cream and cold”. For 9 years of Prof. Grishin M.O. was a member of the expert council of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the head of the specialized academic council for the defense of doctoral and candidate theses. He was awarded an honorary title “Honored Professor of ONAKHT”. U 2006 p. prof. Grishina M.A. awarded with an honorary badge “For contribution to the development of the academy”.

WITH 1990 by 2000 For a year, the department was managed by its talented graduate of Doctor of Technical Sciences., prof. Chaharovsky O.P. Oleksandr Petrovych u 1979 p. defended his candidate's degree, and in 1989 p. - doctoral dissertation. The main areas of scientific and practical activity of Prof. Chaharovsky O.P. – improvement of milk processing technology, introduction of fundamentally new membrane methods of its processing, creation of dairy products of a new generation, including functional ones. Professionalism, persistence, creative activity, the ability to combine theory and practice allowed O.P. Chaharovsky to theoretically substantiate and implement a new direction in the dairy industry - the production of bio-products and products with an extended shelf life. In recent years, over 120 enterprises of the dairy industry of Ukraine use O.P. Chagarovskyi's developments. Close 80 % fermented milk products are produced in Ukraine using its technologies, which made it possible to significantly increase the competitiveness of domestic products and significantly reduce the import of foreign analogues.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor O.P. ChaharovskyProf. Chaharovsky O.P. - the author of four monographs, over 170 scientific articles, 25 patents and 25 copyright certificates. As a scientific supervisor prepared 4 doctors of science, 16 Candidates of Sciences. U 2002 p. on the initiative of O.P. Chagarovskyi and under his editorship, the publication of a scientific and industrial journal was launched for the first time in Ukraine “Dairy industry”. U 2002 p. thanks to the organizational efforts of Chagarovsky O.P. Ukraine has been accepted into the General Assembly of the International Dairy Federation. Under the leadership and with the direct participation of Oleksandr Petrovych, the International Seminar has been held for twelve years “New in the dairy industry”, in which leading scientists and companies of Denmark participate, Russian Federation, of Poland, of the Czech Republic, Slovenia, of Ukraine. During the years of work as the head of the department, thanks to the efforts and fruitful scientific activity, the international scientific and technical cooperation of the department with the following partners has expanded “Hr. Hansen” (Denmark), “Tetra-Pak” (Sweden), “Superior” (Poland), “Nutritech” (Russia) etc..

O.P. Chaharovskyi is an academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Technology, International Academy of Refrigeration. U 2003 p. he was given a title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine”.

WITH 1 September 2000 year after 31 December 2008 for a year the department was managed by Ph.D., Associate Professor Lisogor T.A. - candidate of technical sciences, docent.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor T.A. Lysohor

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor T.A. Lysohor

Tamara Antonivna began her career at ONAKHT with 1 September 1969 year as a senior researcher at the Department of Biochemistry. U 1973 year Lysohor T.A. received the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. WITH 1975 by 1980 r.r. worked as an assistant at the department of biochemistry and microbiology.

WITH 1 September 1980 Tamara Antonivna works as an associate professor at the Department of Milk Technology and Food Drying. For 26 years of work at this department Lysohor T.A. proved to be active, an experienced teacher, who introduced new effective methods of teaching and education of students; always engaged in scientific work with special enthusiasm, showing students and employees of the teaching staff of the department, what a real scientist should be. That is why in 2000 Tamara Antonivna was appointed the head of the department. During the years of her management of the department, the rating of the specialty "Storage technology, canning and processing of milk", The department continued to actively deal with the current problems of the development of the dairy industry of Ukraine. Scientific research Lysohor T.A. related to the scientific substantiation of ways to extend the shelf life of drinking milk, methods of determining the adulteration of butter, development of new types of oil and fat products with special properties, as well as technologies of functional dairy products. Tamara Antonivna Lysohor is the author of the monograph, 8 patents of Ukraine and 78 scientific and scientific-methodical publications.

Great success Lysohor T.A. also achieved the position of academic secretary of the academy, which she hugged over 30 years.

Nataliya Andriivna Tkachenko, Doctor of Engineering, docent, the head of the department of milk technology and drying of food products from 2009 year. Nataliya Andriivna graduated from the Odessa State Academy of Food Technologies 1995 year. U 1998 She defended her thesis and received the scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. WITH 2003 year Tkachenko N.A. - associate professor of the department.

Dr. Tech. of science, Professor N.A. Tkachenko

Dr. Tech. of science, Professor N.A. Tkachenko

WITH 2002 Nataliya Andriivna started work on her doctoral dissertation. Circle of scientific interests Tkachenko N.A. related to the development and scientific substantiation of the technologies of functional and special purpose dairy products with an extended shelf life (fermented milk products for children, herodietic and diabetic nutrition, non-fermented and fermented dairy products with increased probiotics, immunomodulating and antagonistic properties), biotechnologies of cheeses with increased biological, physiological value and shortened ripening period, new types of oil pastes and special purpose oil-fat products. U 2008 Nataliya Andriivna defended her thesis and received the scientific degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences. Under the leadership of N.A. Tkachenko. protected 7 candidate theses. Thanks to her initiative, scientific work is actively continued at the department. Postgraduate students take an active part in the scientific work of the department, bachelors, masters. Students report the results of their own scientific research at scientific and scientific-practical conferences, publish the results of research in monographs and in co-authorship with teachers of the department and in the future renew the composition of graduate students and young teachers of the department.

Associate Professor of the department Izbash E.O. for 14 worked as the dean of the faculty of technology and commodity science of food products and food business. U 2006 p. she was awarded the honorary badge "For contribution to the development of the academy".

Professors G. worked at the department. TO. Filonenko, IN. I. Liquid, M. ABOUT. Grishin, IN. I. Aleinikov; associate professors B. ABOUT. Tadulev, I. M. Goldberg, IN. I. Atanazevich, IN. TO. Kossek, A. ABOUT. Karpovich, T. A. Lysohor, L. ABOUT. Great, E.O. Izbash, T. IS. Sharahmatova, M. IN. Roshak; assistants V. S. Sparrow, L. D. Zelenska, L.O. Semenenko and others.

Today, a team of highly qualified specialists has been formed at the department, which successfully fulfills the main task of training bachelors and masters. These are doctors of science, professors - O. P. Chaharovsky, N. A. Tkachenko, Candidates of Sciences, associate professors - O. IN. Sevastyanova, ABOUT. B. Chabanova, N. ABOUT. Dec, ABOUT. A. Krucek, L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko, D. M. Skrypnichenko, IS. ABOUT. Boilermaker, Art. teacher, Candidate of Sciences T. IN. Makovsky.

The teachers of the department combine teaching with scientific and administrative activities. Assoc. Dec N.O. - director of the Training Center for the organization of the educational process, Assoc. Kruček O.A. - head of the quality control and certification department, Assoc. Lanzhenko L.O. - the head of the educational and methodical department of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, Assoc. Kotlyar E.O. - director of the preparatory center "Starter Faculty", Assoc. Skrypnichenko D.M. - head of the primary trade union organization of ONTU students, Chabanova O.B. - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology and Commodity Science and Food Business.

U 2013 p. the professional direction "Technology of fats and fat substitutes" was opened. In the same year, the Department of Milk Technology and Food Drying received a new name: Department of Milk Technology, fats and perfumery and cosmetic products (TMJ and PKZ). By the efforts of O. IN. Sevastyanova and E. ABOUT. Kotlyar was prepared an educational methodical and laboratory base for work with bachelors in the professional direction "Technology of fats and fat substitutes".

U 2016 year, the department was named Dairy Technologies, oil and fat products and cosmetics. An educational laboratory for conducting laboratory work on the discipline "Technology of fats and fat substitutes" was opened. The department has all the conditions for carrying out the educational process and research work of masters. The department is equipped with pilot plants for the production of fermented milk drinks, solid, soft, fused, sour milk cheeses, condensed and dry canned milk, butter, products of the oil and fat industry.

The department is a member of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine, association of Ukrainian producers "Ice cream and frozen products", association "Ukroliyaprom", Association "Perfume and Cosmetics of Ukraine".

The department trains highly qualified personnel through postgraduate and doctoral studies. U 2016 p. defended their candidate theses - L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko, D. M. Skrypnichenko, IS. ABOUT. Boilermaker, in 2019 year - T. IN. Makovska and A. A. Trubnikova (teacher of special disciplines at the Mechanical and Technological College of Odessa National Technological University).

According to the decision of the Licensing Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (protocol No. 82/2 dated 26 January 2018 p., order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 90-l from 29 January 2018 p. a new specialty was launched at the department 204 "Technology of production and processing of livestock products", a new branch of knowledge for the academy 20 "Agrarian sciences and food".

In the same year, at the department as part of the program of international cooperation of the European Union with other countries, in particular, Ukraine (ERASMUS +: K2) a new educational program "Quality and safety control in the food industry" was introduced to study laboratory practice to improve the quality control of food products and the introduction of safety control systems at all food industry enterprises. As part of this project, students travel to universities in Slovenia (Ljubljana), of Poland (Warsaw), Georgia (Tbilisi), Moldova (Chisinau) etc.. A new educational and scientific laboratory was opened at the department.

U 2020 the department received a new name Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry (order No. 145-01 dated 15.05.2020 p.).

U 2021 a new program "Milk technologies, oil and fat products and the beauty industry", which provides for the training of masters for three branches - milk processing, oil-fat and perfume-cosmetic, including spa salons, massage parlors, etc.

Since February 2023 year, the department is headed by Ph.D., associate professor Dmytro Mykhailovych Skrypnichenko, graduate of this department.

The department is a powerful and prestigious structural division of ONTU, graduates of which are in great demand among employers, employed in the food and related industries.

Over the years of its existence, the department has produced more than two thousand specialists for the dairy industry, including for Holland, of Hungary, Bulgaria, Cuba, Mongolia, Cameroon, Peru, Vietnam, Turkmenistan, Moldova, etc. Many graduates of the department hold managerial positions at milk processing plants, oil and fat and perfumery and cosmetic enterprises and fruitfully cooperate with the department in the field of organization of practical training of future specialists.

The teachers and employees of the department have published more than 1500 scientific and scientific methodical publications.

They work as part of the department: two doctors of technical sciences, professors; seven candidates of technical sciences, associate professors; Art. teacher, as well as educational and support staff - head. laboratories of O. D. Klymenko, Melnik A.O.

The department is developing dynamically, maintains active relations with representatives of production in Ukraine and abroad and carries out international exchange of students and graduates with related educational institutions.