Conference, trainings and seminars


ONTU conferences and seminars

Teachers department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry participates in and organizes conferences annually, seminars and trainings.

The results of the latest developments of the department are published in scientific publications of ONTU, of Ukraine and beyond: scientific and industrial journal «Food science and technology», scientific and theoretical magazine «Scientific works», Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technologies, Collection of scientific works of LNUVMiB named after. N.W. Gzytsky, scientific and practical journal "Food Industry of APC" and others.; and in materials of All-Ukrainian and International conferences.

Annually with 1998 of the Department of Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry takes part in2 conducting a scientific and practical seminar "Innovative solutions and modern technologies in the dairy industry», which provides advisory assistance to enterprises of the dairy industry.

WITH 2007 year Associate Professor of the Department of Izbash Yevgenia Oleksandrivna - a permanent member of the expert commission for evaluating the quality of ice cream glaze; with 2008 year professor of the department Tkachenko Nataliya Andriivna - member of the State Tasting Commission for evaluating the quality of meat and dairy products.

ONTU-2023 student scientific conference

Program of the student scientific conference of the ONTU section of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

Certificates of conference participants


Certificate of the National Environmental Protection Agency N.O.

Certificate of LANZHENKO L.O.

Certificate of D.M. SKRYPNICHENKO.


Certificate of TKACH D.O.

Certificate of D.V. FEDORCHUK.

ІІІ All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical conference “Ensuring the quality of higher education: increasing the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the implementation of the educational process”, ONACHT, Odessa, 14-16 April 2021 year.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko D.M.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko S.K.

III International scientific and practical conference: "Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and the quality and safety of food products", Polis National University, Zhytomyr, 13-14 May 2021 year.

Certificate of Kotlyar E.O.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko D.M.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko S.K.

Certificate of Dulskyi E.S.

V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Theory and practice of the development of sheep breeding in Ukraine in the conditions of European integration”, DDAEU, Dnipro, 20-21 May 2021.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko D.M.

XIV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation “Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people”, ONACHT, Odessa, 7-9 October 2021.

Certificate of Skrypnichenko D.M.

Vityaz V.A. certificate.

All-Ukrainian competition of student scientific works by specialty 204 "TViPPT" section "Technology of livestock production processing", Head, Ph.D., Assoc. Shlapak Halyna Vsevoludavna. Student, TM-32, Sidletska, Hanna Andriivna, won the third prize.

Diploma of G.A. Sidletska.

15.02.2023 p. and 22.02.2023 p. training was held for students and teachers in the format of an online conference “School of financial literacy”, conducted by a financial literacy and financial planning consultant, director of TOV “StarLife” Iya Maksymenko. Knowledge of financial literacy, received by students of higher education and scientific and pedagogical workers within the framework of the conducted training, expand their soft skills.

School of financial literacy, occupation 1

School of financial literacy, occupation 2

Training for employees of PJSC oil press workshop “Myronivsky plant”

Training for company employees “Kernel” and Khmelnytskyi Oil Press Plant.

Training for PJSC employees “Zolotonysk Oil Plant”

Training for TDV employees “Bashtan cheese factory”

The second training for PJSC employees “Zolotonysk Oil Plant”

Training for LLC employees “Pyryatinsky cheese factory

Training for LLC employees “Hormolzavod”

Training for JSC employees “Vapnyarsky milk factory” and LLC “Kryzhopol cheese factory”

Training for employees of the laboratory of the oil press plant in Yuzhne

Training for auditors

Training for LLC employees “Bastico Ukraine”

Training for grain quality specialists and grain storage laboratories, elevators, terminals, KHP, CPP (Kergel)

Training for representatives of the milk processing industry and students of higher education

Webinar “Cattle feeding”

Cattle feeding webinar