Dmytro Mykhailovych Skrypnichenko

Ph.D. technical. of science, docent,

head of the department of technology of milk, oil and fat products and the beauty industry

Contact Information: e-mail: skripnichenkodm@gmail.com
language: (048) 712-40-23, (048)712-40-45

Information about the teacher

Chaharovsky Oleksandr Petrovych

Dr. Tech. of science, professor of the department, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine,

Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Agrarian Sciences.

Information about the teacher

Nataliya Andriivna Tkachenko

Dr. Tech. of science, professor

Information about the teacher

Chabanova Oksana Borysivna

Ph.D. technical. of science, associate professor of the department, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Expertise, biotechnology, food engineering, entrepreneurship and trade

Information about the teacher

Children Nadiya Oleksandrivna

Ph.D. technical. of science, associate professor of the department,

Vice-Rector for Scientific and Pedagogical Studies, organizational and educational work

Contact Information: fb page ndets@ontu.edu.ua

Information about the teacher

Kruchek Oksana Anatolyivna

Ph.D. technical. of science, associate professor of the department

Contact Information: okruchek@ontu.edu.ua

Information about the teacher

Olena Volodymyrivna Sevastyanova

Ph.D. chemical. of science, associate professor of the department

Field of scientific interests:

Development of new oil and fat products and perfumery and cosmetic products.

Contact Information: elena.vladimirovn.sevastyanova@gmail.com

Lyubov Oleksandrivna Lanzhenko

Ph.D. technical. of science, associate professor of the department,

head of the educational department of ONTU

Contact Information: e-mail: lanjenko87@gmail.com

Information about the teacher

Kotlyar Yevgeny Oleksandrovich

Ph.D. technical. of science, associate professor of the department,

director of the training center “Start faculty”

Contact Information: Email: yevhenii11@ukr.net

Information about the teacher

Makovska Tetyana Valentynivna

Ph.D. technical. of science, Senior Lecturer, secretary of the department

Field of scientific interests:

Development of functional mayonnaise.

Contact Information: makov-t@ukr.net

Klymenko Oxmother Hryhorivna
chief. laboratory

Melnyk Anastasia Oleksandrivna

chief. laboratory