Recruitment continues!

Posted on: September 14, 2020

Dear applicants!

Acceptance of documents for full-time and part-time education continues. You can submit documents if there are free license places in the chosen specialty.

Deadline for accepting documents for full-time and part-time education.

On the basis of complete general secondary education (certificate) to 16 October 2020 p.

On the basis of the junior specialist's diploma 22 October 2020 p.

On the basis of a bachelor's degree 22 November 2020 p.

Documents required for admission:

On the basis of complete general secondary education (certificate):

  • copies of the state document about the previously obtained educational qualification (educational and qualification) level, on the basis of which admission is made, and its appendix (3 copies);
  • original and copies of the certificate of external independent evaluation 3 copies);
  • copies of the document, that proves identity and citizenship (3 copies);
  • size color photos 3 p 4 cm (4 photographs);

On the basis of the junior specialist's diploma:

  • a state-style document about the previously acquired educational and qualification level, on the basis of which admission is made (Diploma of Junior Specialist), and its appendix (originals and 2 copies)
  • original and copies of the certificate of external independent evaluation 3 copies);
  • a copy of the document, that proves identity and citizenship (3 copies);
  • four size color photographs 3 p 4 cm.

Based on a bachelor's degree:

  • a certificate of a single entrance exam in a foreign language (original + 3 copies)
  • a copy of the document, that proves identity and citizenship (3 copies);
  • copies of documents, which confirm the entrant's right to enroll outside the competition (section X of these Rules) (in the presence of, 3 copies);
  • size color photos 3 p 4 cm (4 photographs).

WARNING. Entrants have the right to submit a certificate of external independent evaluation 2017, 2018 and 2019, 2020 years. For foreign language foreign language foreign language certificates – 2018 and 2019, 2020 years.

When enrolling in shortened courses based on a junior specialist diploma, applicants take entrance exams in the format of an interview. Programs and timing of interviews

Upon admission to the master's degree, it is necessary to pass an entrance exam by specialty. Programs and timing of interviews

A tax payer's card is provided separately for passports of citizens of Ukraine of the old model. A full copy of the document with a note on the place of registration of the person is required!

For passports of citizens of Ukraine with contactless electronic media, an extract from the unified state register is additionally provided.

Peculiarities of admission to secondary education.

All copies of documents are certified in the presence of originals by the ONAKHT admissions committee or in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Copies of documents without presenting the originals will not be considered.

We are waiting for you at the address:

m. Odesa, St. Rope, 112

St. Dvoryanska, 1/3

Admissions Committee of ONAKHT

+ 38-048-712-40-88,

+ 38-048-722-80-99,

+ 38-048-718-97-09

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