Scientific developments of the department

Department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry ONTU constantly develops new products, which intersect with advanced trends in the development of industries:

Development of dairy products (non-fermented and fermented dairy products, whey and milk-whey drinks, sour cream) with increased probiotics, antagonistic, immunomodulating properties.

dp drink milk and oat gd dp drink (2)drink gd

Development of new technologies of dairy and combined functional and special purpose products (for diabetics, herodietic purpose) based on milk, secondary dairy and grain raw materials.

milk and rice gd milk-buckwheat gd yogurt dpr yogurt dp

cheeseDevelopment of protein dairy products (solid, soft and sour milk cheeses) with increased pro-biotic properties.cheese is an invention

Development of new and improvement of existing technologies of dairy products for baby food.

Development of scientific and practical foundations of technology special purpose ice cream.

Development of scientific and practical bases of production emulsion fat products healthy food.

Development of scientific and practical bases of production fats and fat substitutes for special purposes (for the production of milk products, bakery, confectionery, etc. products) with a normalized content of trans isomers of fatty acids.

1 Infused oils 1345621000_1 9285a817238636818d6c1cffbad9507bf0d8ffd8

Scientific circles




Scientific developments of the department

Professor Chagarovsky Oleksandr Petrovych

Textbooks and training aids:

  1. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Dec N.O., Lanzhenko L.O. , Kruček O.A. Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions. Rivne, "Cleg". 2018. 235 with. (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  2. Chaharovsky O.P., Tkachenko N.A., Lisogor T.A. Adulteration of milk. Methods of determination. Practical recommendations. : leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions // ScoolbookAC headset. TO: NEW. 2016. 199 with. (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  3. Chaharovsky O.P., Tkachenko N.A., Lisogor T.A. Chemistry of dairy raw materials: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions / O.P. Chaharovsky,; Odesa: "Simex-print", 2013. 268 with. ISBN 978–966–2601–44–2. (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine)


  1. Didukh N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Lisogor T.A. Leavening compositions for the production of functional dairy products / - Odesa: Polygraph Publishing House, 2008. 236 with. ISBN 978–966–8788–79–6.

Publications in periodical scientific publications:

  1. Tkachenko N.A., Chagarovskyi O.P., Dets N.O., Sevastyanova E.V., Lanzhenko L.O. (2017). «Living» and «probiotic» cosmetics: modern view and defenitions. // Food Science and Technology. № 4. R. 42–52. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  2. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Izbash E.O., Kotlyar E.O., Ganicheva A.Yu. (2017). The latest ingredients for natural cosmetics based on milk serum. // Science. works of ONAKHT. Vip. 81. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT. P.92–101. (professional Edition)
  3. Justification of parameters of fermentation of milk-rice mixtures with yogurt starters / ON. Tkachenko, O.P. Chaharovsky, E.O. Izbash, A.V. A penny // Science. works of ONAKHT. Vip. 80. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT, 2016. S. 83-90. (professional Edition)
  4. Effectiveness of correction of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in elderly people with metabolic syndrome using probiotic cultures / O.P. Chaharovsky, Yu.V. Gavalko, L.L. Yes, yes, M.S. Romanenko, N.S. Naumchuk // Problems of aging and longevity. Kyiv. № 25. 2016. S. 114-124. (professional Edition)
  5. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Sharahmatova T.E., Kazyuk G.V.. Justification of storage parameters of whey jelly with natural citrus juices // Science. works of ONAKHT. Vip. 84. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT, 2020. 7 with. (professional Edition)


  1. Way. № 123830 Ukraine, IPC A 23 S 9/00 (2018.01). The composition of ingredients for the production of a probiotic milk-rice yogurt drink with a balanced chemical composition / A.V. A penny, ON. Tkachenko, O.P. Chaharovsky, E.O. Izbash. – № u 2017 09344; declared. 25.09.17; published. 12.03.18, Bull. № 5. – 10 with.
  2. Way. № 123828 Ukraine, IPC A 23 S 9/00 (2018.01) The production method of a probiotic milk-rice yogurt drink with a balanced chemical composition / A.V. A penny, ON. Tkachenko, O.P. Chaharovsky, E.O. Izbash. – № u 2017 09342; declared. 25.09.17; published. 12.03.18, Bull. № 5. – 10 with.

Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences:

  1. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Klimenko O.G. suluguni cheese with fenugreek - production prospects in Ukraine // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. Odesa: ONTU, 2022. S. 107–109.
  2. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Podolyan Z.S. Mathematical modeling of the composition of yogurt dessert for nutrition of female athletes // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. Odesa: ONTU, 2022. S. 104–106.
  3. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Sevastyanova O.V., Makovska T.V. Innovative technologies for processing milk into bifid-containing beverages // Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and the quality and safety of food products : collection of scientific works of the international. science and practice. conf., 13-14 May 2021 p. m. Zhytomyr: Polis National University, 2021. S. 146.
  4. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Sevastyanova O.V.. Changes in the chemical composition of milk raw materials during the hydrolysis of milk sugar for the production of desserts // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 81st scientific conference of teachers of the academy, Odesa, 27- April 30. 2021 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. Odesa : ONACHT, 2021. S. 81–83.
  5. Tkachenko N., Chaharovsky O., Sevastyanova O., Bilinsky O. Chocolate butter with synbiotics is a new functional product // Materials 87 International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century”, 15- April 16 2021 p. Kyiv: NEW. Ch. 1. S. 308.
  6. Tkachenko N., Chaharovsky O., Kazyuk G., Sidenko H. Innovative technology for processing whey into bifid desserts // Materials 87 International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century”, 15- April 16 2021 p. Kyiv: NEW. Ch. 1. S. 309.

Professor Nataliya Andriivna Tkachenko

Textbooks and training aids:

  1. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Dec N.O., Lanzhenko L.O. , Kruček O.A. Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions. Rivne, "Cleg". 2018. 235 with. (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  2. Chaharovsky O.P., Tkachenko N.A., Lisogor T.A. Adulteration of milk. Methods of determination. Practical recommendations. : leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions // ScoolbookAC headset. TO: NEW. 2016. 199 with. (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  3. Chaharovsky O.P., Tkachenko N.A., Lisogor T.A. Chemistry of dairy raw materials: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions / O.P. Chaharovsky,; Odesa: "Simex-print", 2013. 268 with. ISBN 978–966–2601–44–2. (recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine)
  4. Tkachenko N.A., Lanzhenko L.O., Dec N.O., Sevastyanova O.V., Skrypnichenko D.M. Technological aspects of production of cosmetic emulsions and creams: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 151 with. URL:Технологічні-аспекти-виробнитцва-косметичних-емульсій-і-кремів.pdf (date of application: 10.11.2018 p.). (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  5. Tkachenko N.A., Dec N.O., Lanzhenko L.O., Kruček O.A., Sevastyanova O.V.. Cosmetic products: assortment, components, technologies: study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 231 with. URL:Косметичні-продукти-асортимент-компоненти-технології.pdf (date of application: 10.11.2018 p.) (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  6. Tkachenko N.A., Sevastyanova O.V., Chabanova O.B., Izbash E.O., T.V. Makovska, I.O. Klymentieva. The basics of the chemistry of active components in the production of cosmetic products: study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 220 with.Основи-хімії-активних-компонентів-у-виробництві-косметичних-продуктів.pdf (date of application: 11.11.2018 p.) (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)
  7. Kotlyar E.O., Tkachenko N.A., Sevastyanova O.V., Sharahmatova T.E. Educational manual on the technology of cosmetic products. Analysis of raw materials and finished products: study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 156 with. URL:АНАЛІЗ-СИРОВИНИ-ТА-ГОТОВОЇ-ПРОДУКЦІЇ.pdf (date of application: 11.11.2018 p.) (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)


  1. Tkachenko N.A. Technology of protein pastes for baby food: monograph / ON. Tkachenko, Yu.V. Nazarenko, Yu.S. Ukraintseva // Sumy: publishing and production enterprise "Mriya-1", 2017. 182 with.
  2. Yu.V. Nazarenko, Tkachenko N.A. Technology of sour-milk baby food: monograph // Sumy: publishing and production enterprise "Mriya-1", 2016. 188 with.
  3. Grandfather* N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Lisogor T.A. Leavening compositions for the production of functional dairy products / - Odesa: Polygraph Publishing House, 2008. 236 with. ISBN 978–966–8788–79–6.

*Didukh's last name was changed to Tkachenko

Publications in periodical scientific publications:

  1. Tkachenko N.A., Nekrasov P.O., Avershina A.S., Ukrainceva Ju.S. (2017). Substantiation of storage parameters of the sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt». // Food Science and Technology. № 3. R. 99–110. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  2. Tkachenko N.A., Kruchek O.A., Kopiyko A.V., Ramazashvili G.R. (2017). Innovative solutions in biotechnologies of combined yogurt drinks with balanced chemical contents. // Food Science and Technology. № 3. R. 42–52. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  3. Tkachenko N., Nekrasov P., Vikul S., Honcharuk Ya. (2017). Modelling formulae of strawberry whey drinks of prophylactic application // Food Science and Technology.№ 1. R. 80–88. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  4. Tkachenko N., V. Nazarenko Ju., Dets N., Izbash E., Klymentieva I. (2018). Starter cultures composition with probiotics for fermented milk products and cosmetics. // Food Science and Technology. № 1. P. 18–28. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  5. Tkachenko N.A., Chagarovskyi O.P., Dets N.O., Sevastyanova E.V., Lanzhenko L.O. (2017). «Living» and «probiotic» cosmetics: modern view and defenitions. // Food Science and Technology. № 4. R. 42–52. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  6. Ibraimova S., Uazhanova R., Mardar M., Serikbaeva A., Tkachenko N., & Zhygunov D. (2020). Development of recipe composition of bread with the inclusion of juniper using mathematical modeling and assessment of its quality. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 6/11 (108), 6–16. (Scopus)
  7. Serikbaeva A., Tnymbaeva B., Mardar M., Tkachenko N., Ibraimova S., Uazhanova R. (2021). Determining optimal process parameters for sprouting buckwheat as a base for a food seasoning of improved quality. // Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 4/11(112), 6–16. (Scopus)
  8. Nekrasov P.O., Tkachenko N.A., Nekrasov O.P., Gudz О.M., In particular T.O., Molchenko S.M. (2021). Oxidization resistance and sorption properties of oleogels as new-generation fatty systems. // Questions khimii i khimicheskoi tekhnologii, 4, 89-95. DOI: 10.32434/0321-4095-2021-137-4-89-95 (Scopus)
  9. Optimization of parameters of fermentolysis of proteins in the composition of serum-protein concentrate / N. Tkachenko, L. Lanzhenko, D. Skripnichenko, N. Kuprina, A.Hanicheva / Food science and technology. – 2018. – Vol. 12, Issue 4, December. – P. 18-24. (Web of Science Core Collection)
  10. Kopiiko, A., Tkachenko, N., MARDARE, M., & Honcharov, D. (2021). Modeling of fatty acid composition of combined food products. // Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3/3(59), 27–33. (professional Edition)
  11. Honcharov, D., Tkachenko, N., & Nikolaieva, V. (2021). Development of fermentation parameters of milk-fat mixtures in the production of sour cream product with phytosterols. // Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 4/3(60), 37–41. (professional Edition)
  12. Tkachenko N.A., Ukraintseva Yu.S., Avershina A.S., Pavlenko O.T. (2017). The thermostatic production method is a guarantee of long-term storage of protein baby food pastes. // Bulletin of NTU "Khpi". № 32 (1254). S. 123–132. DOI: 10.20998/2413-4295.2017.32.20 (professional Edition)
  13. Tkachenko N.A., Izbash E.O., Kopiyko A.V., Ramazashvili G.R. (2018). New combined products with radioprotective properties and a balanced chemical composition for military personnel: production prospects. // Science. works of ONAKHT, Vip. 81. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT. S. 76–86. DOI (professional Edition)
  14. Parameters for obtaining extracts of Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea pallida for food and cosmetic products / Tkachenko N.A. etc. // Scientific notes of TNU named after. V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: Technical sciences. 2018. T. 29(68), № 2. S. 251-258. (professional Edition)
  15. Tkachenko N., Vikul S., Pambuk S. (2019). Modeling of probiotic gel shampoo recipes with vegetable extracts and marketing analysis of their market promotion. // Technology audit and production reserves. 4/3(48), R. 4–11. DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2019.180423 (professional Edition)
  16. Tkachenko N.A., Vikul S.I, Sevastyanova O.V., Kruček O.A., Honcharuk Ya.A. (2018). Optimizing the composition of a tonic with probiotics for dry skin. // Science. works of ONAKHT. Vip. 81. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT. S. 104–118. DOI: (professional Edition)
  17. Tkachenko N., Vikul S., Sevastyanova E., Dets N., Honcharuk Ya. (2017). Substantiation of the composition of probiotic cosmetic products for the toning of oily skin. // Technology audit and production reserves. № 6/3(38). R. 9–17. DOI: 10.15587/2312-8372.2017.119392 (professional Edition)
  18. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Izbash E.O., Kotlyar E.O., Ganicheva A.Yu. (2017). The latest ingredients for natural cosmetics based on milk serum. // Science. works of ONAKHT. Vip. 81. T.2. Odesa: ONACHT. P.92–101. (professional Edition)


  1. Patent for the invention no 115812 Ukraine, MPK A23L 27/60 (2016.01), А23L 33/10 (2016.01), А23L 33/20 (2016.01) The method of production of low-calorie mayonnaise. ON. Tkachenko, T.V. Makovsky. - No. a 2016 00080; declared. 04.01.2016; published. 26.12.2017, Bull. 24. – 8 with.
  2. Utility model patent no 123830 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) A23C 9/00, A23C 21/00 The composition of ingredients for the production of a probiotic milk-rice yogurt drink with a balanced chemical composition. ON. Tkachenko, A.V. A penny, O.P. Chaharovsky, E.O. Izbash. – № u 2018 09344; statement. 25.09.2017; published. 12.03.2018, bulletin. № 5. – 10 with.
  3. Utility model patent no 123828 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) A23C 9/00, A23C 21/00 The production method of a probiotic milk-rice yogurt drink with a balanced chemical composition. ON. Tkachenko, A.V. A penny, O.P. Chaharovsky, E.O. Izbash. – u 2018 09342; statement. 25.09.2017; published. 12.03.2018, bulletin. № 5. – 10 with.
  4. Utility model patent no 123829 Ukraine, IPC (2018.01) A23C 9/00, A23C 21/00 The composition of ingredients for the preparation of a combined bifid-containing yogurt drink. ON. Tkachenko, G.R. Ramazashvili, O.A. Krucek. – u 2018 09343; statement. 25.09.2017; published. 12.03.2018, bulletin. № 5. – 5 with.
  5. Utility model patent no 124500 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032, A23C 19/06, A23C 19/068 The method of production of soft cheese with probiotic properties. ON. Tkachenko, D.M. Skrypnichenko. – u 201711012; statement. 10.11.2017; published. 10.04.2018, bulletin. №7. – 7 with.
  6. Utility model patent no 124501 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032, A23C 19/06, A23C 19/068. The method of production of soft cheese with probiotic properties. D.M. Skrypnichenko, ON. Tkachenko. – u201711013; statement. 10.11.2017; published. 10.04.2018, bulletin. № 7. – 7 with.
  7. Utility model patent no 127525 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032. The method of production of sour milk cheese of reduced energy value with probiotic properties. ON. Tkachenko, S.O. Okunevska, Yu.V. Nazarenko, L.M. Kitchenko. u 2018 01434; statement. 14.02.2018; published. 10.08.2018, bulletin. № 15. – 3 with.
  8. Utility model patent no 127524 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032. The method of production of cottage cheese dessert of reduced energy value. ON. Tkachenko, S.O. Okunevska, Yu.V. Nazarenko, L.M. Kitchenko.– u 2018 01431; statement. 14.02.2018; published. 10.08.2018, bulletin. № 15. – 5 with.

Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences:

  1. Tkachenko N. A., Antonyuk T. A., Gulyaeva A. Yu. Innovative protein dessert technology for the rehabilitation of military personnel // Modern technologies in animal husbandry and fish farming: environment - production of products - environmental problems: collection of materials of the 76th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference K.: NUBiP of Ukraine, C. 223–225.
  2. Gulyaeva A.Yu., Tkachenko N.A. Innovative technology of processing milk into combined bifido desserts // Modern approaches to guaranteeing the safety and quality of livestock products: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of NPP and Young Scientists (Odesa, 06-07 December 2022 p.) / Odessa State Agrarian University. Educational and Scientific Institute of Biotechnology and Aquaculture. Odesa, 2022. S. 181–184.
  3. Klimenko O.G., Tkachenko N.A. Enzyme immunoassay in researching the quality and safety of milk and dairy products // Modern approaches to guaranteeing the safety and quality of livestock products: materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of NPP and Young Scientists (Odesa, 06-07 December 2022 p.) / Odessa State Agrarian University. Educational and Scientific Institute of Biotechnology and Aquaculture. Odesa, 2022. S. 208–210.
  4. Tkachenko N. A. Modular mini-enterprises for the production of fermented bifido products for the rehabilitation of servicemen of the Armed Forces // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. Odesa: ONTU, 2022. S. 101–104.
  5. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Klimenko O.G. suluguni cheese with fenugreek - production prospects in Ukraine // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. Odesa: ONTU, 2022. S. 107–109.
  6. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Podolyan Z.S. Mathematical modeling of the composition of yogurt dessert for nutrition of female athletes // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. Odesa: ONTU, 2022. S. 104–106.
  7. Tkachenko N.A., Chagarovskyi O.P., Sevastyanova O.V., Makovska T.V. Innovative technologies for processing milk into bifid-containing beverages // Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and the quality and safety of food products : collection of scientific works of the international. science and practice. conf., 13-14 May 2021 p. m. Zhytomyr: Polis National University, 2021. S. 146.
  8. Makovska T.V., Sevastyanova O.V., Tkachenko N.A. Radiation treatment of livestock products // Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and the quality and safety of food products : collection of scientific works of the international. science and practice. conf., 13-14 May 2021 p. m. Zhytomyr: Polis National University, 2021. S. 75.
  9. Sevastyanova O.V., Tkachenko N.A., Makovska T.V. Biology of lactation depending on the physiology and morphology of the animal body // Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and the quality and safety of food products : collection of scientific works of the international. science and practice. conf., 13-14 May 2021 p. m. Zhytomyr: Polis National University, 2021. S. 118.
  10. Tkachenko N.A., Chaharovsky O.P., Sevastyanova O.V.. Changes in the chemical composition of milk raw materials during the hydrolysis of milk sugar for the production of desserts // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 81st scientific conference of teachers of the academy, Odesa, 27- April 30. 2021 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. Odesa : ONACHT, 2021. S. 81–83.
  11. Sevastyanova O.V., Tkachenko N.A., Makovska T.V. Innovative technologies for milk processing into special purpose products // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 81st scientific conference of teachers of the academy, Odesa, 27- April 30. 2021 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. Odesa : ONACHT, 2021. S. 79–81.
  12. Tkachenko N., Chaharovsky O., Sevastyanova O., Bilinsky O. Chocolate butter with synbiotics is a new functional product // Materials 87 International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century”, 15- April 16 2021 p. Kyiv: NEW. Ch. 1. S. 308.
  13. Tkachenko N., Chaharovsky O., Kazyuk G., Sidenko H. Innovative technology for processing whey into bifid desserts // Materials 87 International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century”, 15- April 16 2021 p. Kyiv: NEW. Ch. 1. S. 309.
  14. Tkachenko N., Kopiyko A. Justification of the shelf life of combined desserts with radioprotective properties for military personnel // Materials 87 International scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students “Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century”, 15- April 16 2021 p. Kyiv: NEW. Ch. 1. S. 310.
  15. Tkachenko, ON. The use of spelled flour in the production of combined food products with a balanced chemical composition / N. A. Tkachenko, I.O. Klymentiev // Coll. quickly. the ball. 78-of sciences. conf. off. Acad., Odesa, 23– April 27. 2018 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. Odesa, 2018. S. 107-109.

Associate Professor Dmytro Mykhailovych Skrypnichenko

A complex of educational and methodological support for the disciplines of the department: "Standardization, metrology and certification", "Standardization, accounting and reporting in the production and processing of livestock products", "Genotypes of mammals in the formation of milk quality", "Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of meat and dairy products".

Scientific publications in periodicals

  1. Optimization of parameters of fermentolysis of proteins in the composition of serum-protein concentrate / N. Tkachenko, L. Lanzhenko, D. Skripnichenko, N. Kuprina, A.Hanicheva / Food science and technology. 2018. Vol. 12, Issue 4, December. P. 18-24. (Web of Science)
  2. Skrypnichenko D.M. Justification of the rational concentration of calcium chloride in the technology of soft probiotic cheeses / Skrypnichenko D.M., Dec N.O., Lanzhenko L.O. // Scientific notes of TNU named after. V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: Technical sciences. 2018. T. 29(68), № 2. S. 279-283.
  3. Study of methods of obtaining and drying food casein / D. M. Skrypnichenko [etc.] // Scientific notes of the Tavri National University named after. V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: Technical sciences. 2019. T. 30(69). № 2. S. 176-181.
  4. Skrypnichenko D.M. Development of the technology of whey drinks for sports purposes / D.M. Skrypnichenko, IN. Kazyuk, O.M. Landless // Scientific notes of the Tavri National University named after. V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: Technical sciences. – 2019. - T. 30(69). – № 4. – S. 122-127.
  5. Skrypnichenko, D., Dec, N., Lanzhenko, L. (2020). Justification of the choice of raw ingredients in the production of cottage cheese dessert with fillers. Scientific Works, 84(2), 10-16.

Abstracts of scientific and scientific-practical conferences:

  1. Whey drink for healthy nutrition / L.O. Lanzhenko, D.M. Skrypnichenko, M.S. Sagienko // Collection of materials of the XI All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation "Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people", 4-6 October 2018 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2018. – S. 129-130.
  2. Ice cream for health purposes / BUT. Dec, D.M. Skrypnichenko, V.V. Kravchuk // Collection of materials of the XI All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation "Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people", 4-6 October 2018 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2018. – S. 123-124.
  3. Evaluation of the quality of toilet soap with herbal additives / D.M. Skripnicheno, BUT. Dec, L.O. Lanzhenko // A collection of abstracts of reports of the VII International Conference of Students, graduate students and young scientists in chemistry and chemical technology, 11-13 April 2018. - TO.: KPI named after. I. Sikorsky, 2018. – S. 227.
  4. Spicy herbs for the production of processed cheeses / L.O. Lanzhenko, BUT., Dec, D.M. Skrypnichenko, S.I. Three brother // 84 international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students - "Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century", 23-24 April, 2018 p. - Kyiv: NEW. – S. 394.
  5. State, problems and prospects for the development of animal husbandry in Ukraine / D.M. Skrypnichenko // A collection of abstracts of reports 78 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 23-27 April 2018 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2018. – S. 100-101.
  6. The state and prospects for the development of personnel potential in institutions of higher education / D.M. Skrypnichenko, I.O. Klymentiev // A collection of abstracts of reports 49 Methodical Conference of ONAKHT "Quality Assurance of Higher Education", 11-13 April 2018 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2018. – S. 155-157.
  7. The technology of receiving and drying of a food casein / Skrypnichenko D, Lanzhenko L. / International scientific conference Scientific development of new eastern Europe, Riga, – 2019, April 6. – Riga, 2019. - R. 145-148. (International conference Scientific development of new eastern Europe, Riga, Latvia, April 6, 2019)
  8. Development of whey drink technology with increased biological value / Skrypnichenko D.M., Kruček O.A. // A collection of abstracts of reports 79 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 16-19 April 2019 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2019. – S. 11.
  9. Development of whey drinks for athletes using whey protein isolate / Skrypnichenko D.M., Dec N.O., Kruček O.A., Lanzhenko L.O. // A collection of abstracts of reports 80 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 07-08 April 2020 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2020. – S. 105-107.
  10. Selection of dairy raw materials for mozzarella production / L.A. Lanzhenko, ON. Dec, D.M. Skrypnychenko, T.A. Zagorodnyaya, R.C. Yarosinskaya // Materials of the XIII International Scientific and Technical Conference, Mogilev, 23-24 April 2020 Mr. – Mogilev, 2020 – S. 334-335.
  11. Application of Smart technologies in the educational process / I.O. Klymentiev, ON. Tkachenko, D.M. Skrypnichenko, // Collection of abstracts of reports of the II All-Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference ONAKHT "Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education", 08-10 April 2020 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2020. – S. 255-257.
  12. Setting the maximum shelf life of curd dessert with the addition of honey and walnuts / D.M. Skrypnichenko, I.O. Klymentiev // Abstracts of 1st International scientific and practical conference «MODERN SCIENCE: PROBLEMS AND INNOVATIONS», 5-7 April 2020. – Stockholm, Sweden, 2020 – S. 261-267. (Obtaining a certificate of participation)
  13. Quality indicators of diabetic ice cream / Skrypnichenko D.M., Chobotar L.O. // Collection of materials of the XIII All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation "Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people", 1-3 October 2020 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2020. – S. 78-80.
  14. The influence of feed and feeding conditions on the fat content in milk of cows / I.O. Klymentiev, D.M. Skrypnichenko // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 27-30 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 91-93.
  15. Influence of genotype and environment on productivity of dairy cattle / D.M. Skrypnichenko, L.O. Lanzhenko, I.O. Klymentiev, S.K. Skrypnichenko // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 27-30 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 83-84.
  16. Technological examination of the milk hydrolysis process / L.O. Lanzhenko, BUT. Dec, D.M. Skrypnichenko, R.C. Yarosynska // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 27-30 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 93-95.
  17. Features of the discipline "Standardization, accounting and reporting in the production and processing of livestock products" / D.M. Skrypnichenko, O.A. Krucek, I.O. Klymentiev, S.K. Skrypnichenko // Collection of theses of reports of the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical conference ONAKHT "Ensuring the quality of higher education: Increasing the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the implementation of the educational process", 14-16 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 400-402. (There is a conference participant certificate)
  18. Distance learning in extreme conditions/ I.O. Klymentiev, D.M. Skrypnichenko // Collection of theses of reports of the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical conference ONAKHT "Ensuring the quality of higher education: Increasing the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the implementation of the educational process", 14-16 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 274-276.
  19. Systematic and systematic documentation of information is the key to compliance with quality management standards / O.A. Krucek, O.V. Axyuta, D.M. Skrypnichenko // Collection of theses of reports of the 3rd All-Ukrainian scientific and methodical conference ONAKHT "Ensuring the quality of higher education: Increasing the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the implementation of the educational process", 14-16 April 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 186-188.
  20. State, problems and prospects of cattle development in Ukraine / D.M. Skrypnichenko, S.K. Skrypnichenko // Collection of abstracts of reports of X International Scientific and Practical Online Conference of Scientists, graduate students and students, 22-23 April 2021 p. - TO.: NUBiPU, 2021. – S. 96-97.
  21. Standardization and safety of raw milk / D.M. Skrypnichenko, S.K. Skrypnichenko // Collection of abstracts of reports of the III International scientific and practical conference "Problems of production and processing of food raw materials and quality and safety of food products", 13-14 May 2021 p. - Zh.: PNU, 2021. – S. 125-129. (There is a conference participant certificate)
  22. Rationale of the modes of thermomechanical processing of processed cheese, enriched with vegetable raw materials / BUT., Dec, L.O. Lanzhenko, D.M. Skrypnichenko // 87 international scientific conference of young scientists, graduate students and students - "Scientific achievements of youth - solving the problems of human nutrition in the 21st century", 15-16 April, 2021 p. - Kyiv: NEW. – S. 307.
  23. Skrypnichenko D.M. Peculiarities of the chemical composition of sheep's milk for cheese processing / Materials of the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of the Development of Sheep Breeding in Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration", 20-21 May 2021 p. - D.: DDAEU, 2021. – S. 128-130.
  24. Combined dairy product with functional purpose / Skrypnichenko D.M., Vityaz V.A. // Collection of materials of the XIV All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of young scientists and students with international participation "Problems of forming a healthy lifestyle among young people", 7-9 October 2021 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2021. – S. 117-119.
  25. Study of liposome and lamellar emulsion production processes for anti-aging cosmetics for facial skin care / BUT. Dec, L.O. Lanzhenko, D.M. Skrypnichenko, ON. Sirenko // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 26-29 April 2022 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2022. – S. 115-117.
  26. Peculiarities of preparation and application of chia seeds in the production of mascarpone cheese/ D.M. Skrypnichenko, L.O. Lanzhenko, S.K. Skrypnichenko // A collection of abstracts of reports 82 Scientific Conference of the Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Academy", 26-29 April 2022 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2022. – S. 99-101.
  27. Development of higher education in wartime / L.O. Lanzhenko, BUT. Dec, D.M. Skrypnichenko // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 4th All-Ukrainian Scientific and Methodological Conference ONAKHT "Ensuring the Quality of Higher Education: Improvement of remote control of knowledge and educational documentation", 13-15 April 2022 p. - ABOUT.: ONACHT, 2022. – S. 301-303. (There is a conference participant certificate)
  28. Analysis of the influence of the number of somatic cells in raw milk during the production of soft mozzarella cheese / D.M. Skrypnichenko, O.G. Klymenko, D.V. Fedorchuk // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 76th Scientific and Practical Conference of Scientists, graduate students and students "MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES: ENVIRONMENT – PRODUCT PRODUCTION – ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS”, 18-19 May 2022 p. - TO.: NUBiPU, 2022. – S. 200-202.
  29. INFLUENCE OF ZOOTECHNICAL FACTORS ON THE PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPOSITION OF RAW MILK / Lanzhenko L. O., Dec N. O., Skrypnichenko D. M., Chumachenko D. S., Fomin I. P. // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 76th Scientific and Practical Conference of Scientists, graduate students and students "MODERN TECHNOLOGIES IN LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES: ENVIRONMENT – PRODUCT PRODUCTION – ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS”, 18-19 May 2022 p. - TO.: NUBiPU, 2022. – S. 187-188.
  30. Processing of dairy raw materials into a whey product with a plastic consistency / ABOUT. Chabanova, A.A. Trubnikova, D.M. Skrypnichenko // X International scientific and practical conference «INNOVATIONS AND PROSPECTS OF WORLD SCIENCE», 25-27 May 2022. – Vancouver, 2022 – S. 309-313. (Obtaining a certificate of participation).
  31. INFLUENCE OF RAW CATTLE MILK ON THE FORMATION OF THE QUALITY INDICATORS OF SOFT MOZZARELLA CHEESE / student of the "Master's" vocational school of the TtaVB Skrypnichenko D.M., NUBiP, m. Kyiv, Scientific supervisor - Candidate of Science and Engineering., Assoc. Antonyuk T.A // Proceedings of the XVIII All-Ukrainian Scientific ZOOM Conference of Students from the "Food Technologies" Section and the Scientific Conference of Graduates of Higher Education", 11-13 May 2022 p. - ABOUT.: ONTU, 2022. – P.64-66.
  32. ORGANOLEPTIC QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF SOFT CHEESE WITH PROBIOTIC PROPERTIES / Skrypnichenko D.M., Skripnichenko S.K., Tkachenko T.A. // Collection of abstracts of reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference ["Technologies of food products and compound feed"], (Odesa, 20-23 September 2022 p.) /Odessa. national. technol. university. - Odesa: ONTU, 2022. - with. 47-48.
  33. PRODUCTION AND PROCESSING OF MILK IN UKRAINE AND THE WORLD / Skrypnichenko D.M., Skripnichenko S.K., Fedorchuk D.V. // A collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of NPP and Young Scientists: "Modern approaches to guaranteeing the safety and quality of livestock products", 06-07 December 2022 p. - ABOUT.: CHAMBER, 2022. – S. 81-84.


  1. Utility model patent no 124500 "Method of production of soft cheese with probiotic properties"; registered in DRPU on April 10, 2018. Authors: Tkachenko N.A., Skrypnichenko D.M. #124500 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032, A23C 19/06, A23C 19/068, owners of Odesa. national. Acad. cost. Technologies, Skrypnichenko D.M. – № u201711012; statement. 10.11.2017; published. 10.04.2018, bulletin. №7.
  1. Utility model patent no 124501 "Method of production of soft cheese with probiotic properties"; registered in DRPU on April 10, 2018. Authors: Tkachenko N.A., Skrypnichenko D.M. № 124501 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) A23C 19/032, A23C 19/06, A23C 19/068, owners of Odesa. national. Acad. cost. Technologies, Skrypnichenko D.M. – № u201711013; statement. 10.11.2017; published. 10.04.2018, bulletin. №7.
    Study guide Tkachenko N.A., Lanzhenko L.O., Dec N.O., Sevastyanova O.V., Skrypnichenko D.M. Technological aspects of production of cosmetic emulsions and creams: leaves. pos. for students. higher education. institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 151 with. URL:Технологічні-аспекти-виробнитцва-косметичних-емульсій-і-кремів.pdf (date of application: 10.11.2018 p.). (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)

Associate Professor Oksana Anatolyivna Kruchek

A complex of educational and methodological support for the disciplines of the department: "Industry Microbiology", "Safety in milk production and processing"


1. Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk: study guide for students of higher educational institutions [Text] / ON. Tkachenko, O.P. Chaharovsky, BUT. Dec, L.O. Lanzhenko, O.A. Krucek (edited by N.A. Tkachenko). - Exactly: "Cleg", 2018. – 235 with. (own contribution - 20%).
2. Tkachenko N.A., Dec N.O., Lanzhenko L.O., Kruček O.A., Sevastyanova O.V.. Cosmetic products: assortment, components, technologies: study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 231 with. URL:Косметичні-продукти-асортимент-компоненти-технології.pdf (date of application: 10.11.2018 p.) (own contribution - 20 %) (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT).

Publications in periodical scientific publications
  1. DEVELOPMENT OF NEW FOOD PRODUCTS BASED ON THE KANO’S THEORY OF ATTRACTIVE QUALITY Maryna Mardar, Dmytro Zhygunov, Larisa Agunova, Oksana Kruchek JCR. 2020; 7(19): 5057-5064.
  2. TECHNOLOGY OF A COSMETIC LOTION BASED ON HYDROALCOHOLIC EXTRACT FROM CRUSHED GRAPE SEEDS / Ye. Kotliar, S. Vikul, E. Sevastyanova, N. Its, O. Kruchek // Scientific works of the National University of Food Technologies No 5, T. 26. - Kyiv NUHT., 2020. – S. 156-169.
  3. Lanzhenko L. O., Dec N. O., Kruczek O. A., Izbash E. ABOUT. The choice of fat and vegetable components for the production of combined ice cream // Herald of Agrarian Science of the Black Sea Region. 2020. Vip. 1 (105). S. 87-93.
  4. Analysis of the safety of cosmetics by means of biotesting / L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko, N. ABOUT. Dec, ABOUT. A. Krucek, A. A. Ivashchenko, A. ABOUT. Kladnytska // Dynamics of the development of world science : abstr. of V Intern. Scientific and Practical Conf., Vancouver (Canada), 22–24 Jan. 2020. – Vancouver, 2020. - R. 674–678.
  5. Tkachenko, N. A., Vikul, S. I., Sevastyanova, ABOUT. IN., Krucek, ABOUT. A., & Honcharuk, I. A. (2018). OPTIMIZING THE COMPOSITION OF TONIC WITH PROBIOTICS FOR DRY SKIN. Scientific Works, 81(2).
  6. Dec, N. O., Lanzhenko, L. O., Krucek, ABOUT. A., Dudin, I. A., & Skrypnichenko, D. M. (2018). EXTRACTS OF FRUCTUS ROSAE AS PHYTO-RAWARE FOR PRODUCTION OF COSMETIC PRODUCTS. Scientific Works, 81(2).
Patents and certificates
  1. Certificate of copyright registration for the work no 97638 from 21.05.2020 The book "Microbiology of food production".
  2. Patent of Ukraine No 135626 "Composition of ingredients for the production of sour milk cheese for children aged one to three years", authors Kruchek O.A. etc., published. 10.07.2019, Bulletin No. 13.
  3. Patent 123829 "Composition of ingredients for the preparation of a combined bifid-containing yogurt drink" authors Kruchek O.A. etc., publ.03/12/2018, Bulletin No. 5 .
  4. Patent 124363 "Manufacturing method of bifid-containing yogurt drink with spelled" authors Kruchek O.A. etc., published. 10.04.2018, Bulletin No. 7.
Approbation and popular science
  1. Microbiological monitoring is the key to obtaining high-quality and safe dairy products for baby food/ Levchuk I.V., Solovei I.M., Kruček O.A., Shemanska E.I. // Materials of the II international scientific and practical multidisciplinary conference "HEALTHY NUTRITION FROM CHILDHOOD TO LONGEVITY: STATUS AND PROSPECTS", 24 November 2022 p. TO.: NEW, 2022. 88 with. P.87-88.
  2. Kruczek O. A. Ways of reducing the number of somatic cells in the production of raw milk / ABOUT. A. Krucek, N. ABOUT. Dec // Collection of abstracts of reports of the 81st scientific conference of teachers of the academy, Odesa, 27- April 30. 2021 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa : ONACHT, 2021. – S. 95–97.
  3. Features of the discipline "Standardization, accounting and reporting in the production and processing of livestock products" / D. M. Skrypnichenko, ABOUT. A. Krucek, I. ABOUT. Klymentiev, S. TO. Skrypnichenko // Ensuring the quality of higher education: increasing the efficiency of the use of information technologies in the implementation of the educational process : coll. materials of III All-Ukrainian. science and method. conf., Odesa, 14– April 16. 2021 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa, 2021. – S. 400–402.
  4. Study of the influence of green coffee antioxidants on oxidative processes in spreads / N. ABOUT. Dec, L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko, ABOUT. A. Krucek, ABOUT. D. Klymenko // Coll. fast ball. 80-of sciences. conf. off. Acad., Odesa, 7– May 8. 2020 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa : ONACHT, 2020. – S. 115–116.
  5. Development of whey drinks for athletes using whey protein isolate / D. M. Skrypnichenko, N. ABOUT. Dec, ABOUT. A. Krucek, L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko // Coll. fast ball. 80-of sciences. conf. off. Acad., Odesa, 7– May 8. 2020 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa : ONACHT, 2020. – S. 105–107.
  6. Skrypnichenko D. M. Development of whey drink technology with increased biological value / D. M. Skrypnichenko, ABOUT. A. Krucek // Coll. fast ball. 79-of sciences. conf. off. Acad., Odesa, 16- April 19. 2019 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa, 2019. – S. 102-104y
  7. Lanzhenko L. ABOUT. Processed cheese with increased biological value / L. ABOUT. Lanzhenko, N. ABOUT. Dec, ABOUT. A. Krucek // Technologies of food products and compound feed : coll. quickly. the ball. International. science and practice. conf., Odesa, 24– September 29. 2018 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies ; under general. order. B. IN. Egorov. - Odesa, 2018. – S. 45–46.

Associate Professor Oksana Borysivna Chabanova

Developments in the discipline "Complex processing of secondary dairy raw materials:

Regulatory documentation:

Lactose-free liquid protein concentrates. TU U 15.5-36759161-008:2019. Technical conditions

Lactose-free liquid protein concentrates. TI to TU U 15.5-36759161-008:2019.

Lactose-free dry protein milk concentrates. TU U 15.5-36759161-009:2019. Technical conditions

Lactose-free dry protein milk concentrates. TI to TU U 15.5-36759161-009:2019.

Project of regulatory documentation:

Milk low-lactose synbiotic yogurt ice cream. Technical conditions.

Milk low-lactose synbiotic yogurt ice cream. Technological instruction.

Scientifically based technologies for the production of high-quality and safe lactose-free and low-lactose dairy products, in particular:

  • Technology of liquid lactose-free protein-lipid concentrates of buttermilk
  • Technology of dry lactose-free protein-lipid concentrates of buttermilk
  • Technology of synbiotic low-lactose yogurt ice cream,
  • Technologies of lactose-free fermented milk protein pastes
  • Technology of lactose-free milk whipped desserts.
  1. Analysis of a new diafiltration method of cleaning buttermilk from lactose with mineral composition preserved [Text] / S. bumble-bee, A. Trubnikova, O. Chabanova, T. Sharahmatova // Food science and technology. – 2018. - T. 12. – №. C. 90-98. DOI:
  2. Development of low-lactose ice cream technology based on lactose-free buttermilk concentrate / A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova, THAT. Sharahmatova, S.M. Cooper, E.M. Savchak // Bulletin of the National Technical University "KhPI". Series: New solutions in modern technologies. – 2018. – №. 45 (1321). – S. 214-227.
  3. Production of dry lactose-free protein-lipid concentrate of buttermilk / A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova, S.M. Cooper, THAT. Sharahmatova, //Bulletin of NTU "Khpi", Series: New solutions in modern technologies. Kharkiv: NTU "Khpi", 2019, №. 1, S. 86–99. doi:
  4. Study of the membrane process of lactose removal from buttermilk concentrate / S.M. Cooper, A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova // Scientific Messenger of LNU of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies. – 2018. - T. 20. – №. 85. – S. 62-69.
  5. Increasing the efficiency of gas exchange during aerobic processing of nanofiltration products from buttermilk / S.N.. Cooper, A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova // Academic notes of TNU named after V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: technical sciences. – 2018. – Volume 29 (68). – Ch. 3. – № 1. – P.30-36.
  6. Grounding and Development of Low-Lactose Biologically Active Milk Ice Cream Formula /A. Trubnikova, O. Chabanova, T. Sharahmatova, S. bumble-bee, S. Vikul // Path of Science: International Electronic Scientific. Traektoriâ Nauki= Path of Science. 2018. Vol. 4, No 9. P. 3001-3021. DOI 22178/pos.38-7 ps/article/view/544
  7. Mathematical modeling of the optimized formulation of low-lactose synbiotic yogurt ice cream / Trubnikova A.A., Chabanova O.B., Bondar S.M., Sharahmatova T.E., Nedobiichuk T.V. //Scientific journal "Animal Husbandry and Food Technologies", 2020, volume 11, №2, pp. 73-82. Http://
  8. Boilermaker, THERE ARE., Trample, O., Chabanova, O., Levchuk, I., & Palamarchuk, A. (2021). Study of quality indicators of meat pâtés, balanced in fatty acid and vitamin composition. Scientific Works, 2(85), 68-76.
  9. Bondar S.M., Trubnikova A.A., Chabanova O.B., Sharahmatova T.E., Nedobiichuk T.V. The use of nanofiltration to regulate the properties of secondary products of processing of animal raw materials // Herald of Agrarian Science of the Black Sea Region. – 2021. – Vip. 4. – P.66-77. DOI: 10.31521/2313-092X/2021-4(112)
  10. Analysis of the pectin extraction process at recycling of secondary material resources / Oksana Chabanova, Sergius Bondar, Yevhenii Kotliar, Tatiana Nedobiychuk, Yakiv Verkhivker // Technology audit and production reserves — № 3/3(59), 2021, year. 34-39. DOI: 10.15587/2706-5448.2021.23527
  11. Analysis of a new diafiltration method of cleaning buttermilk from lactose with mineral composition preserved [Text] / S. bumble-bee, A. Trubnikova, O. Chabanova, T. Sharahmatova // Food science and technology. – 2018. - T. 12. – №. 1. C. 90-98. DOI:
  12. "Correlation-regression analysis of recipe components of low-lactose ice cream" / N.P. Khudenko, A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova, S.M. Cooper, THAT. Sharahmatova // Academic notes of TNU named after V.I. Vernadskyi. Series: technical sciences. – 2019. - Volume 30 (69). – № 3. – S. 117-125.
  1. Patent of Ukraine No 135282 to a useful model “The method of production of low-lactose ice cream”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 25.06.19, bulletin. № 12/2019.
  2. Patent of Ukraine No 135571 to a useful model “Installation for continuous production of dairy lactose-free protein-lipid concentrate”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 10.07.19, bulletin. № 13/2019.
  3. Patent of Ukraine No 135572 to a useful model “The method of production of soft low-lactose ice cream”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc, published. 10.07.19, bulletin. № 13/2019.
  4. Patent of Ukraine No 132761 to a useful model “A mixture for the production of milk ice cream”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 11.03.19, bulletin. № 5/2019.
  5. Patent of Ukraine No 128530 to a useful model “Composition of ingredients for preparing a drink based on milk whey”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 25.09.18, bulletin. № 18.
  6. Patent of Ukraine No 137106 to a useful model “The method of continuous production of dairy lactose-free protein-lipid concentrate”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 10.10.19, bulletin. № 19/2019.
  7. Patent of Ukraine No. 121171 for the invention “Method of continuous production of dairy lactose-free protein-lipid concentrate and installation for its implementation”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 10.04.20, bulletin. № 7/2020.
  8. Patent of Ukraine No 123281 to the invention “The method of production of soft low-lactose ice cream”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 10.03.2021, Bull. № 10.
  9. Patent of Ukraine No 123328 to the invention “The method of production of low-lactose ice cream”, authors Chabanova O.B. etc., published. 17.03.2021, Bull. № 11.
  1. Science in the Southern region of Ukraine. Important achievements of scientific institutions of the Southern region of Ukraine in the field of fundamental science, of applied research and innovative activity/ Under general. order. white. National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S.A. Andronati – Odesa, VIP. XVIII 2020 p., 261 with. (P.185)
  2. Problems of providing drinking water to food industry enterprises / Bondar S.M., Chabanova O.B., Trubnikova A.A. //All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference "Actual problems of energy and ecology" (29– September 30 2020), ONACHT, 2020. S. 238-240.
  3. Technological aspects of lactose removal from buttermilk / Bondar S.M., Chabanova O.B., Trubnikova A.A. // The 3rd International scientific and practical conference “European scientific discussions” (February 1-3, 2021) Power of Reason Publisher, Rome, Italy. 2021. Pp. 260-266.
  4. Development of an effective method of utilization of secondary material resources of milk and fruit processing / Sergey Bondar, Oksana Chabanova, Anastasia Trubnikova // I International Scientific and Practical Conference «Problems and perspectives of the application?n de investigate it?n cient?becomes innovative» (11 June 2021). Panam?, PAN. Pp. 100-101. DOI:
  5. Resource-saving technological scheme for the processing of secondary dairy raw materials / Trubnikova A.A., Chabanova O.B., Bondar S.M., Sharahmatova T.E. // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. ONACHT (27 – 30 April 2021). Odesa 2021. S. 85-87.
  6. Application of membrane technology in the processing of secondary dairy raw materials /Chabanova O.B., Bondar S.M., Trubnikova A.A., Kotlyar E.O. // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. ONACHT (27 – 30 April 2021). Odesa 2021. S. 97-99.
  7. Trubnikova A.A., Chabanova O.B., Sharahmatova T.E. Preparation of dry lactose-free protein-lipid concentrate of buttermilk //Collection of abstracts 79 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. - ONACHT. – 2019. – P.105-107.
  8. A student's independent work is an important component of the educational process / Sharahmatova T.E., Chabanova O.B., Kruček O.A., Kotlyar E.O. // Coll. fast ball. 49-of science and method. conf. "Ensuring the quality of higher education", Odesa, 11-13 flower. 2018 p. / Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies; under general. order. B.V. Egorov. - Odesa, 2018. – S. 98-99.
  9. Trubnikova, A.A. Rationale and development of lactose-free milk whipped dessert recipes / A.A. Trubnikova, ABOUT. Chabanova, I.E. Sharahmatova // International multidisciplinary conference "Science and technology of today: priority areas of development of Ukraine and Poland". – 19-20 October 2018 p., m. Volomin, Poland
  10. Diafiltration purification of ultrafiltration concentrate of buttermilk from lactose / Bondar S.M., Trubnikova A.A., Chabanova O.B., Sharahmatova T.E. // Coll. fast ball. 78 of science. conf. teachers of the academy, (Odesa, 23– April 27. 2018 p.), Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies; Odesa, 2018, S. 101–103.
  11. Study of the method of production of protein concentrates from sunflower meal / Bondar S.M., Chabanova O.B., Trubnikova A.A. // Coll. fast ball. 80 of science. conf. teachers of the academy, (Odesa, 7- May 8. 2020 p.), Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies; Odesa, 2020, S. 114–115.
  12. Development of the technology of lactose-free sour-milk protein pastes /Chabanova O.B., Sharahmatova T.E., Izbash E.O. // Coll. fast ball. 80 of science. conf. teachers of the academy, (Odesa, 7- May 8. 2020 p.), Odessa. national. Acad. cost. technologies; Odesa, 2020, S. 116–118.
  13. Development of the technology of a pectin-containing dry product from the bark of coniferous trees / Chabanova O.B., Tkachenko N.A., Bilobrov S.V. // The Xth International scientific and practical conference «MODERN APPROACHES TO THE INTRODUCTION OF SCIENCE INTO PRACTICE» (March30-31,2020). San Francisco, USA 2020. – P.506-509.
  14. Investigation of the process of ozonation of municipal urban sewage that has undergone biological treatment /Bondar S.,Chabanova O.,Trubnikova A. // The XI th International scientific and practical conference « THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF MODERN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE» (06-07 April 2020) Melbourne, Australia.2020. – Pр. – 19-21.
  15. Development of lactose-free milk dessert technology / Trubnikova A. A., Chabanova O. B., Sharakhmatova T. IS. //The 3 rd International scientific and practical conference “SCIENCE, SOCIETY, EDUCATION: TOPICAL ISSUES AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS” (February 17-18, 2020) SPC “”, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 2020. – C.124-127.
  16. Research of the ozonation process of biologically pure municipal wastewater / S. bumble-bee, O. Shevchenko, O. Chabanova, A. Trubnikova, I. Kuznetsova // All-Ukrainian scientific and technical conference "CURRENT PROBLEMS OF ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT" (29– September 30 2020) ONACHT, 2020. – S. 238-241.
  17. Membrane technologies for greening the oil and fat industry / Bondar S.M., Chabanova O.B., Trubnikova A.A. // PRIORITY DIRECTIONS OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT. Abstracts of the III International scientific and practical conference (22-24 november 2020) . SPC “”. Kyiv, Ukraine. 2020.
  18. History of the development of beekeeping in Ukraine / Kotlyar E.O., Yasko V.M., Chabanova O.B. // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. ONACHT (27 – 30 April 2021). Odesa 2021. S. 87-89.
  19. Geography of beekeeping in the world / Kotlyar E.O., Yasko V.M., Chabanova O.B. // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. ONACHT (27 – 30 April 2021). Odesa 2021. S. 89-91.
  20. Determination of quality and safety indicators of secondary material resources in the oil and fat industry / Nedobiychuk T.V., Trubnikova A.V., Chabanova O.B // A collection of abstracts of reports 81 scientific conference of teachers of the academy. ONACHT (27 – 30 April 2021). Odesa 2021. S. 254-255.
  21. Chabanova O.B., Trubnikova A.A., Skrypnichenko D.M. Processing of milk raw materials into a whey product with a plastic consistency // Innovations and prospects of world science. Proceedings of the 10th International scientific and practical conference. Perfect Publishing. Vancouver, Canada. 2022. Pp. 309-313. URL:
  22. Balina I.S., Chabanova O.B., Tkachenko N.A. Development of a quality and safety control system for the whey drink production process at Gomolzavod No. 1 LLC //Chemistry, bio- and nanotechnology, ecology and economy in the food and cosmetic industry [Electronic resource] : coll. materials of the 9th International. science and practice. conf., 18-19 November 2021 p. / order. hand: L. L. Tovazhnyanskyi [etc.] ; National. technical. university “Kharkiv. polytechnic. int” [etc.]. - Electron. text. data. - Kharkiv, 2021. – C. 15-17. URI:
  23. Pylypenko L.M., Trukati L.V., Chabanova O.B. Modern methods of accelerated sanitary and hygienic control of food and biotechnological enterprises // 82 scientific conference of university teachers 26 – 29 April 2022 p. – P.61-63.
    Textbooks and training aids:

    Tkachenko N.A., Sevastyanova O.V., Chabanova O.B., Izbash E.O., T.V. Makovska, I.O. Klymentieva. The basics of the chemistry of active components in the production of cosmetic products: study guide for students of higher educational institutions. Odesa: ONACHT, 2018. 220 with.Основи-хімії-активних-компонентів-у-виробництві-косметичних-продуктів.pdf (date of application: 11.11.2018 p.) (recommended by the Scientific Council of ONAKHT)