Procedure and applications for choosing optional disciplines

The procedure for choosing elective subjects is carried out according to the regulations POSITION ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS.

Catalog of optional disciplines-2022

Catalog of optional disciplines-2021.

Catalog of elective subjects from another OP

2021 year

Application for choosing elective subjects 1 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 2 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 3 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 4 course

2022 year

Application for choosing elective subjects 1 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 2 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 3 course

Application for choosing elective subjects 4 course

The procedure for choosing educational disciplines
Deadlines for registration of persons, who are studying, for the study of selective
discipline are determined from necessity timely (for planning and
organization of the educational process, its methodical and personnel support)
formation of a contingent of persons, who are studying, in groups and streams.
For persons, which are studying for educational programs, V whose choice discipline is planned in the first academic year, the choice is organized:
for daytime forms teaching during two the first weeks
for correspondence education - during the first week introductory classes.

For persons, which are studying for educational programs, V whose choice discipline is planned for the next academic year, the choice is organized:
for full-time education - during the first month of the event classroom classes of the spring semester, which precedes the academic year, under the time of which their study is provided;
for extramural forms teaching for founders classes spring semester, preceding the school year, during which provided their study.
Procedure carrying out recording persons, which are studying, on study elective disciplines correlates with the above terms and is determined the following stages:
familiarization persons, which are studying, from in order, terms and
features recording and formation groups for study selective of academic disciplines at ONTU, as well as with the peculiarities of the assignment of educational qualifications according to the relevant educational program;
familiarization persons, which are studying, from catalogs selective discipline, which are offered as a program, which they study, so and so by other programs;
record of persons, who are studying, for studying academic disciplines and filing an application (electronic application) in the name of the head of the corresponding structural unit about their choice of optional academic disciplines for their study in the corresponding semester;

second record persons, which are studying, on study selective academic disciplines (if necessary);
processing of individuals' applications, who are studying, head of the corresponding structural subdivision, making decisions about individuals, who did not take advantage by right free of choice, audit contingent persons, which are studying, and formation of academic groups.
Statements of persons, who are studying, regarding their choice of academic disciplines are stored in the student's personal file throughout the entire period of study student according to the corresponding leveltreatment.