Public information

The quality of the educational program and organization of the educational process

Stakeholders (English. Stakeholders) - interested parties, individuals and legal entities, who have a legitimate interest in the organization's activities, that is, to some extent depend on it or can influence its activity. Sometimes they are called interest groups or influence groups.

Stakeholder activity extends to specialties, where educational activities and the educational process are directly provided, by providing proposals and participating in the work of the methodical commission on updating existing and developing new educational programs.

The university implements a policy of unified system communication with all stakeholders. Communication with them includes short-term and long-term interactions, the nature of which is determined by the priority areas of ONTU activity.

The interests and expectations of the stakeholders of the educational programs of the University for those seeking education are the possibility of obtaining a modern and high-quality education, favorable conditions for personal development and study at ONTU, preservation of physical and mental health, satisfaction of requests for self-realization in society.

The influence of stakeholders on ensuring the quality of educational activities of the University can be carried out:

  • through student self-government bodies;

  • through participation in administrative structures at the Institute level;

  • collectively (initiative groups, university groups, university stream etc);

  • individually;

  • will go;

  • remotely.

At the institutional level of the university, stakeholders have the right to influence:

  • the process of providing quality education and providing favorable learning conditions;

  • publicity and transparency of management, organizational and personnel information;

  • improvement of the future society through the socialization of students;

  • optimization and improvement of information resources of the educational institution of the library, distance learning environment, official website of ONTU, etc);

  • communication with potential employers, organization and level of employment of University graduates;

  • creation of groups and commissions on ethics and university integrity by promoting university integrity (formation of the university community, incompatible with corruption, by plagiarism, falsification, writing off, by deception, bribery, biased assessment, etc).

  • the quality of scientific work and the possibility of higher education students participating in academic mobility, scientific projects, conferences, publications, etc.

For this purpose, according to "Regulations on the organization of the educational process" in ONTU online surveys of stakeholders are conducted regarding the quality of the educational program and the quality of educational activities using questionnaires.

Poll 2022 year

Questionnaire survey of SVO applicants “BACHELOR” according to OPP 204 “Production and processing technologies of animal husbandry products” regarding the quality of the educational program and the quality of the provision of educational services

The results of the survey of applicants 2022

Questionnaire survey of ONTU graduates regarding the quality of the educational program by specialty 204 "Technologies of production and processing of livestock products" SVO "BAKALAVR"

Graduate survey results 2022

Survey questionnaire for the teaching staff on the quality of OPP “Production and processing technologies of animal husbandry products” SVO “BACHELOR”

The results of the teachers' survey 2022

The quality of teaching according to the educational program 204 “Production and processing technologies of animal husbandry products” SVO “BACHELOR” through the eyes of employers.

The results of the survey of employers 2022

Discussion of OPP in the specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products” with students of higher education