Requirements of employers

Specialty 181 “Food technologies”

Educational and professional program

«Quality and safety control in the food industry and in the beauty industry»

Specialists in "Food technology" under the OPP "Quality and safety control in the food industry and in the beauty industry" are always in demand, and the level of education, which is given by the department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry, provides not only the first place of work, and a high salary. Our graduates work at leading enterprises in the industry both in Ukraine and abroad. And we are really proud of it!

The policy of all educational components at the department is unified and determined taking into account the requirements of employers.

Basic requirements employers to our graduates:

  • Organization and control of the technological process, fulfillment of standards and technical conditions.

Ability to use the current legal framework, reference materials and professionally profiled knowledge for the development of regulatory documentation.

Choose and implement effective technologies in practical production activities, rational methods of production management, taking into account global trends in the development of food technology, plan the need for resources, according to modern economic conditions.

  • CONTROL quality and safety in the food industry and in the beauty industry, according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

Planning and conducting industrial tests at enterprises in the field of information implementation, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.

Ability to choose and use specialized laboratory and technological equipment and devices, science-based methods and software for conducting scientific research in the field food industry and in the beauty industry.

  • Ability to plan the number of studies and form samples for quality and safety tests (GMOs) product, according to regulatory documentation, specifications, internal and external regulations.

Use of professional knowledge in the field of food quality and safety management for the development and implementation of product quality and safety management systems.

The ability to conduct research in the conditions of specialized laboratories to solve applied problems.

Have the basic skills of conducting theoretical and/or experimental scientific research, that are performed individually and / or as part of a scientific group.

  • Coordinating the work of employees during the performance of laboratory tests and timely processing of all quality documents raw materials and products, according to regulatory documentation, specifications and orders.

Ability to plan independently, organize, to conduct scientific research taking into account the world trends of scientific and technical development of the field in educational conditions, research laboratories and in production conditions with the use of modern information and computer technologies.

  • Ability to work in a team.

Ability to work in a team.

  • General management of the technological process of production of products.

Organization, control and management of technological processes of processing food raw materials into food products.

  • Ensuring high quality products, that is produced.

Ability to organize and conduct quality and safety control of raw materials, semi-finished products and food products, in particular food industry and in the beauty industry, using modern methods.

  • Participate in the development and implementation of new types of products.

To be able to develop or improve technologies of food products, in particular for food industry and in the beauty industry, of increased nutritional value, taking into account global trends in the development of the industry.

  • Carry out technological testing of new products on production lines.

Ability to implementyou in the production of food technology based on an understanding of the essence of transformations of the main components of food raw materials during the technological process.

  • Participate in the development of technological documentation.

Be able to develop projects of technical conditions and technological instructions for food and cosmetic products.

  • Compliance with safety rules and regulations at the workplace and ensuring their implementation by subordinate employees.

To comply with the rules of safety technology and to carry out technical and organizational measures for the organization of safe working conditions during production activities.

  • Support of food quality and safety management systems and integration of these systems based on HACCP principles and GMP.

Implement quality and food safety management systems and cosmetic products.

  • Optimization of production processes in order to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.

3the ability to apply basic knowledge of fundamental sciences to understand the essence of technological processes, occurring during food production and cosmetic products.

Be able to, based on knowledge of regulatory and legal acts, that regulate the activities of food industry enterprises, to analyze modern trends in the development of food and processing technologies, in particular, food technologies and for the beauty industry.

Be able to determine indicators of production efficiency and implement measures to increase it through rational use and reduction of human labor costs, energy and raw materials to ensure the competitiveness of manufactured products.

Find solutions for the formation of new competitive advantages of enterprises food and for the beauty industry anticipate possible risks, to assess their level during the activity of enterprises in various branches of the food industry.

  • Analysis of production data and preparation of reports on production activity and process efficiency.

Carry out technological, technical, economic calculations in the framework of the development and production of food products, in particular food products and products for the beauty industry, to the consumer market, keep records of the costs of material resources.

Ability to use information and communication technologies, professional and basic knowledge in the field of economics to solve applied problems, carry out technological, technical and economic calculations.

Educational and professional program «Milk technologies, fats and products for the beauty industry»

Basic requirements employers to our graduates:

  • Organization and control of the technological process, fulfillment of standards and technical conditions.

Ability to use the current legal framework, reference materials and professionally profiled knowledge for the development of regulatory documentation.

Choose and implement effective technologies in practical production activities, equipment, rational methods of production management, taking into account global trends in the development of food technology, plan the need for resources, according to modern economic conditions.

  • Control of quantitative and qualitative accounting milk, oil and fat products and cosmetic products, according to the current legislation of Ukraine.

Planning and conducting industrial tests at storage and processing enterprises milk, oil raw materials, fats and cosmetic ingredients, implementation of their information, methodical, material, financial and personnel support.

Ability to choose and use specialized laboratory and technological equipment and devices, science-based methods and software for conducting scientific research in the field milk technology, fats and products for the beauty industry.

  • Ability to plan the number of studies and form samples for quality and safety tests (GMOs) product, according to regulatory documentation, specifications, internal and external regulations.

Use of professional knowledge in the field of food quality and safety management for the development and implementation of product quality and safety management systems.

The ability to conduct research in the conditions of specialized laboratories to solve applied problems.

Have the basic skills of conducting theoretical and/or experimental scientific research, that are performed individually and / or as part of a scientific group.

  • Coordinating the work of employees during the performance of laboratory tests and timely processing of all quality documents raw materials and products, according to regulatory documentation, specifications and orders.

Ability to plan independently, organize, to conduct scientific research taking into account the world trends of scientific and technical development of the field in educational conditions, research laboratories and in production conditions with the use of modern information and computer technologies.

  • Ability to work in a team.

Ability to work in a team.

  • General management of the technological process of production of products.

Organization, control and management of technological processes of processing food raw materials into food products, including the use of technical means of automation and control systems.

Ability to select and operate technological equipment, to draw up hardware and technological schemes for the production of food products.

  • Ensuring high quality products, that is produced.

Ability to organize and conduct quality and safety control of raw materials, semi-finished products and food products, in particular milk, oil raw materials, fats and products for the beauty industry, with and using modern methods.

  • Participate in the development and implementation of new types of products.

To be able to develop or improve technologies of food products, in particular dairy, fats and products for the beauty industry, of increased nutritional value, taking into account global trends in the development of the industry.

  • Carry out technological testing of new products on production lines.

The ability to introduce food technology into production based on an understanding of the essence of transformations of the main components of food raw materials during the technological process.

Choose modern equipment for technical equipment of new or reconstructed enterprises (shops), know the principles of its operation and rules of operation, to draw up equipment and technological schemes for the production of food products of the designed assortment.

  • Participate in the development of technological documentation.

Be able to develop projects of technical conditions and technological instructions for food products, dairy, fats and products for the beauty industry.

  • Compliance with safety rules and regulations at the workplace and ensuring their implementation by subordinate employees.

To comply with the rules of safety technology and to carry out technical and organizational measures for the organization of safe working conditions during production activities.

  • Support of food quality and safety management systems and integration of these systems based on HACCP principles.

Implement quality and safety management systems for food products. in particular dairy, fats and products for the beauty industry.

  • Optimization of production processes in order to ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.

3the ability to apply basic knowledge of fundamental sciences to understand the essence of technological processes, occurring during the production of food products, in particular milk, fats and products for the beauty industry.

Be able to, based on knowledge of regulatory and legal acts, that regulate the activities of food industry enterprises, to analyze modern trends in the development of food and processing technologies, technologies in particular milk, fats and products for the beauty industry.

Be able to determine indicators of production efficiency and implement measures to increase it through rational use and reduction of human labor costs, energy and raw materials to ensure the competitiveness of manufactured products.

Find solutions for the formation of new competitive advantages of enterprises dairy, oil and fat and for the beauty industry anticipate possible risks, to assess their level during the activity of enterprises in various branches of the food industry.

  • Analysis of production data and preparation of reports on production activity and process efficiency.

Carry out technological, technical, economic calculations in the framework of the development and production of food products, in particular products milk, fats and products for the beauty industry, to the consumer market, keep records of the costs of material resources.

Ability to use information and communication technologies, professional and basic knowledge in the field of economics to solve applied problems, carry out technological, technical and economic calculations.

Specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products”

Educational and professional program “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products”

Specialists in the production and processing of livestock products are always in demand on the labor market, because providing the population with such important food depends on their professionalism, like meat, milk, eggs, honey and a large list of industrial goods.

This specialty has special support from the state, so, in accordance, graduates of the specialty after graduation are employed at leading enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and have a high, stable salary.

The teaching of educational components is unified and determined by a standard taking into account the requirements of employers.

Basic requirements employers to specialists in the production and processing of livestock products:

  • solves complex specialized tasks to improve the efficiency and profitability of production of livestock products in agricultural enterprises of various forms of ownership (development of rations, control of feeding regimes and techniques, promoting the growth of productivity of agricultural animals, taking into account modern zooengineering, conditions of animal exploitation and microclimate, detection and treatment of animal diseases);
  • develops operational maps of technological processes in animal husbandry, supervises zootechnical and breeding accounting in practical situations (directed breeding of young animals, genetic examination of the origin of animals and their evaluation by their own productivity and quality of offspring, credit rating, artificial insemination, computer accounting systems);
  • controls technological processes during the production and processing of animal husbandry products;
  • ensures the operation of laboratories for determining the chemical composition and quality indicators of livestock raw materials and finished products (research methods and techniques, devices, laboratory equipment, planning the number of studies, knowledge of regulatory documentation requirements, minimum quality specifications and current legislation of Ukraine, processing of documentation);
  • has the skills to manage the quality and safety of products of animal origin (DSTU ISO product quality and safety management systems 14001, DSTU ISO 22000, DSTU ISO 9000, HACCP, BRC Global Standard for Food Safety тощо);
  • conducts product calculations, selection and calculation of equipment for the production of meat and dairy products (required mass of raw materials and finished products, the need for auxiliary materials, packaging materials, etc);
  • knows and is able to apply in practice technologies of production and processing of animal husbandry products (traditional, innovative, with rational use of raw materials of animal origin, waste-free);
  • supervises employees' compliance with production and technological discipline, rules and regulations on labor protection, fire protection, environmental protection;
  • carries out sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures on farms and other facilities for the production and processing of livestock products;
  • організовує облік та складає звітність на технологічних ділянках виробництва і переробки продукції тваринництва, використовує сучасні системи автоматизації процесів бухгалтерського, управлінського, податкового, кадрового обліку (норми виробництва, норми часу, норми оплати праці, матеріальні цінності, економічні показники діяльності підприємства);
  • здатен працювати в команді і будувати міжособистісні горизонтальні зв’язки, дотримуватись етичних і культурних норм, здатен швидко адаптуватись і зростати професійно.