
According to the order dated January 25, 2023 No. 12-01 "About the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2022/2023". conducted by the teachers of the department:

Discipline Olympiad "Quality control and ecology in the industry (HACCP and GMP)» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies and specialties 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

And place -Gulyaeva A.Yu., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - Chabanova O.B., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK;

2nd place -Chudik R.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Kruchek O.A., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

3rd place -Tkachenko T.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - T.V. Makovska., Ph.D., senior teacher of the department of TMOZHPtaIK.

Discipline Olympiad "Methodology and organization of scientific research» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And place -Korolyuk N.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-53

2nd place -Zhekova A.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-53

3rd place -Mohylyanskyi M.O., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-56

Head - Dec N.O., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

Discipline Olympiad "Food technologies» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

1st place - Chudik R.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - Chabanova O.B., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOJP and IC

2nd place - Tkachenko T.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - Skrypnichenko D.M., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

3rd place – Antipova M.O., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - E.O. Kotlyar, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

Discipline Olympiad "Milk processing technologies» for students of the specialty 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

1st place - Gulyaeva A.Yu., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head – N.A. Tkachenko. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK,

2nd place - M.S. Mishina., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - Lanzhenko L.O., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK.

According to the order from 15.02.2022. № 32-01 "About the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2021/2022". conducted by the teachers of the department:

Discipline Olympiad "Quality control and ecology in the industry (HACCP and GMP)» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And place - Zhekova A.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - Chabanova O.B., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK;

2nd place - Sidletska G.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head – Kruchek O.A., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK;

3rd place - Kuzma Yu.I., ., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - T.V. Makovska., Ph.D., senior teacher of the department of TMOZHPtaIK.

Discipline Olympiad "Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk» for students of the specialty 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

And the place – Gulyaeva A.Yu., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 3 course, city. TM-32

2nd place - Tkach D.O., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 3 course, city. TM-32

3rd place - D.S. Chumachenko, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 3 course, city. TM-32

Head - Lanzhenko L.O., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

Discipline Olympiad "Food technologies» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And place - Zhekova A.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head - Chabanova O.B., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

II place – Kuzma Yu.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - Skrypnichenko D.M., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

III place – Sidletska G.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - E.O. Kotlyar, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

Discipline Olympiad "Milk processing technologies» for students of the specialty 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

And place - Sidletska G.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head – N.A. Tkachenko. – head of the department of TMOZHPtaIK, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor

2nd place - Kuzma Yu.I., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - Dec N.O., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK;

3rd place - Dulskyi E.O. f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-42

Head - Makovska T.V., Ph.D., Art. teacher of the department of TMOZHPtaIK.

According to the order from 28.12.2020. № 448-01 "About the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2020/2021 n.r." conducted by the teachers of the department:

Discipline Olympiad "Quality and safety control of industry products» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place – Ilenchuk E.O., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

II place – Korolyuk N.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Sharahmatova T.E., dean of the faculty of TtaTHPiPB, Ph.D., docent

Discipline Olympiad "Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk» for students of the specialty 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

And the place – Sidletska G.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 3 course, city. TM-32

II place – Shemeneva O.L., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 3 course, city. TM-32

Head – Lanzhenko L.O., Head of NMV NTsOOP, Ph.D., docent

Discipline Olympiad "Food technologies» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place-Ilenchuk E.O., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43a

Head – Chabanova O.B., Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPtaIK

II place – Korolyuk N.A., f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43a

Head – Dec N.O., Director NC OOP, Ph.D., docent

According to the order from 23.12.2019. № 450-01 "About the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2019/2020 n.r." conducted by the teachers of the department:

Discipline Olympiad "Quality and safety control of industry products» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place – Smokovich Tetyana Serhiivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Chaharovsky Oleksandr Petrovych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

II place – Kotlyuk Anastasia Andriivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Yevgenia Oleksandrivna Izbash, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Olena Yuryivna Zheleznyak, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Kruchek Oksana Anatolyivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Vityaz Vladyslav Andreyovych, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Olena Volodymyrivna Sevastyanova, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

Discipline Olympiad "Genotypes of mammals in the formation of milk quality» for students of the specialty 204 Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products

And the place – Gulyaeva Alina Yuryivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-12

Head – Iryna Oleksandrivna Klymentieva, Art. teacher of the department of TMOZHPIK

II place – Daryna Serhiivna Chumachenko, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-12

Head – Yevgenia Oleksandrivna Izbash, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Daryna Vasylivna Fedorchuk, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 1 course, city. TM-12

Head – Tatiana Yevgenivna Sharahmatova, dean of the faculty of TtaTHPiPB, Ph.D., docent

Discipline Olympiad "Food technologies. Technologies of fats and fat substitutes» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place – Marinova Hanna Georgiivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-44

Head – Children Nadiya Oleksandrivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

II place – Yulia Serhiivna Spirina, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-44

Head – Lyubov Oleksandrivna Lanzhenko, Ph.D., Art. teacher of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Fedorova Anastasia Petrovna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-44

Head – Kotlyar Yevgeny Oleksandrovich, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

Discipline Olympiad "Food technologies. Technologies of milk and milk-containing products» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place – Kotlyuk Anastasia Andriivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Chabanova Oksana Borysivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

II place – Daria Igorivna Naumova, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-44

Head – Children Nadiya Oleksandrivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

II place – Bochevar Svitlana Yuriivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-44

Head – Dmytro Mykhailovych Skrypnichenko, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Olena Yuryivna Zheleznyak, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Makovska Tetyana Valentynivna, Art. teacher of the department of TMOZHPIK

III place – Smokovich Tetyana Serhiivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, 4 course, city. TM-43

Head – Chabanova Oksana Borysivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK

According to the order from 04.03.2019 № 55-01 "About the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad 2018/2019 school year" conducted by the teachers of the department:

Discipline Olympiad "Technologies of dairy and milk-containing products» for students of the specialty 181 Food technologies

And the place - Shkurchenko Tamara Vasylivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, city. TM-43b

II place – Kurdas Taisia ​​Valentynivna, f-t TtaTHPiPB, city. TM-43a

III place - Tetyana Vasylivna Mysyura, f-t TtaTHPiPB, city. TM-43b

Head - DecNadia Oleksandrivna, Ph.D., associate professor of the department of TMOZHPIK