Open lectures

25 April 2024. – in the online format for applicants and employees of the Vocational Mechanical and Technological College, the professor of the Tkachenko Department Nataliya Andriivna held an open lecture on the topic: "Skin microbiome: myths and reality".

Open lecture for students of FMTC prof. Tkachenko N.A.

02 April 2024. – in the online format for applicants and employees of ONTU, a lecture was held by a veterinary doctor-expert of the Odesa Regional Hospital of Veterinary Medicine of the State Production and Consumer Service of Ukraine Photo Iryna Hryhorivna on the topic: "Organization of internal audits at food enterprises".

08 March 2024. – in a mixed format for applicants and employees of ONTU by the manager-technologist of the dairy direction of the LLC “Danisco Ukraine” Makarenko Maryna Serhiyivna gave a lecture on the topic: “Psychrotrophs and bacteriophages – a threat in the production of dairy products”.

10 October 2023. the head of the department, associate professor Skrypnichenko Dmytro Mykhailovych held an open lecture for students of the Vocational Mechanical and Technological College on the topic: “Modern trends in milk production and consumption in Ukraine and the world”.

09 October 2023 director of production of "SYRY PODILLYA" LLC Sukhina Igor Serhiyevich gave a lecture on the topic: “Basics of Mozzarella cheese production in mini-production conditions”

09 August 2023 year an open lecture was held by the associate professor of the department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry by Kotlyar Yevhenii Oleksandrovych from the discipline Scientific and practical bases of milk and fat technologies on the topic: "Scientific and practical foundations of vegetable oil production technologies". For students of the specialty 181 "Food technologies" under the educational program "Milk technologies, fats and products for the beauty industry".

21 March 2023. – open lecture on the topic "Technology of obtaining vegetable oil and cake from the kernels of fruit stones"

19 October 2021 year: the latest technologies in the study of the world experience of milk processing technologies into Cheddar cheese with students 4 full-time specialty training course 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products” – interesting and clear !!!



29 April 2022. – an online open lecture on the topic was held: “The state of the dairy industry in Ukraine and EU countries” for students and teachers of the Department of Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry of ONTU and students of Mechanical and Technological College of ONTU, which was read by Oksana Omelyaniuk-Vovchkova, a graduate of our department, who today lives and works in the dairy industry in Germany.


An open lecture by Valentina Mykhailivna Sevastyanova, chief technologist of Hormolzavod No. 1, on the topic: “Processing of extra and higher grade milk” with direct inclusion from the factory walls (26.03.2021p.)

Open lecture_on the topic “Milk proteins”


12 July 2022. – webinar “Elixir of youth or yogurt facts, about which you did not guess”


Cosmetics are an integral part of every person's life from their first days: cream, shampoo, cute, Toothpaste. Cosmetics with markings became popular “ECO”, “BIO”, “Natural” and “Organic”, at the same time, the manufacturers declare, that these products are safe for health. What are cosmetics with one or another designation? How not to get confused in the variety of provided standards and know exactly, what we buy? You will find answers to all these and many other questions in our webinar “The main differences between “ECO”, “BIO”, “Natural” and “Organic" cosmetics”, which will take place on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. in 19-00 in the format of a ZOOM conference.

Find out, what types of cheese can be combined, how to cut it correctly and what to serve it with, What fruits and sauces should be added, you can see on our Webinar "Culture of cheese consumption", which will take place on Friday 10 June 2022. in 19-00.

27 October 2022. a webinar on the topic was held in the online conference mode: "Cattle feeding"

Webinar on the topic: “Cattle feeding”