Active student life
Active student life takes place in the TM-33a curatorial group against the background of busy working days …
Just at that time, when the sun is no longer so warm, to feel hot in the soul, memories of summer, sea, carefree rest and cheerful summer joys were embodied in a bright photo newspaper, which was prepared by students Olhoa Stoyanova and Anastasia Bayush.
Student life is so short, but also so bright and diverse. Therefore, we hurried to seize the last warm days and have fun at a picnic on the city slopes. Vitaliy Sushko especially demonstrated his culinary skill and organizational talent this time. Our master chef was the author of unusually tasty and hot burgers and aromatic kebabs.
Student research work
26.12.2016 of the year by students of the Department of Milk Technology, fats and perfumes and cosmetics, under the leadership of scientific supervisor Elena Vladimirovna Sevastyanova, the results of the research work of senior year students were summed up.
Perfumer (master class)
For all interested teachers and students at the Department of Milk Technology, fats and perfumes and cosmetics 25.12.2016 year a master class was held with a real Perfumer, who taught everyone present to recognize all kinds of aromas and distinguish fake perfumes from the original.
Prof. work in Nikolaev region, Yuzhnoukrainsk
Open lecture of the Institute of Culture
21 September 2016 year, an open lecture on the topic was held: “Milk of different types of mammals: nutritional and biological value” Ph.D., Associate Professor Iryna Anatoliivna Dyudina at 5 pair in auditorium D-101 with group TM-33 (a). In addition to the students of the group, teachers of the Department of Milk Technology were also present at the open lecture, fats and perfumery and cosmetic products.
Visit of school No. 51 students to the department
14.09.2016 Our department was visited by students from Odessa secondary school No. 51. For which senior students held a master class on the production of dairy products.