Non-formal education
According to "PROVISIONS ON THE PROCEDURE FOR RE-ENROLLMENT OF EDUCATION RESULTS (EDUCATIONAL DISCIPLINES) IN THE ODESSA NATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY" applicants have the right to include the results of non-formal education in the educational process.
Non-formal and informal education, as a rule, organized in the form of short-term courses, master classes, seminars, etc. The main goals of such education are to satisfy the personal and cognitive needs of its participants.
Learning outcomes, acquired through non-formal and/or informal education, are recognized in the system of formal education in order, determined by legislation.
The right to recognition of learning results in non-formal education extends to students of all levels of education at ONTU.
Types of non-formal and informal education:
– professional courses/trainings are trainings and/or seminars for improving qualifications and/or acquiring new skills. As a rule, professional courses are held in short periods and in "coworking space" conditions.
- public education - projects, which are aimed at broad segments of the population, especially young people, fulfill their role as active citizens.
- online education is an online course with large-scale interactive participation and open access via the Internet as the students themselves, and speakers. In addition to traditional course materials, such as video, reading, doing homework, online education provides an opportunity to use an interactive user forum, which help create a community of students, teachers and stakeholders.
- motivational lectures - training, which is based on the presented best practices and achievements of the speaker, discussions about the practical application of the skills acquired during training.
Recognition of learning outcomes in non-formal and/or informal education is allowed for disciplines, which are in the individual curriculum.
The student of education applies to the dean of the faculty (the director of the vocational college, head of the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies) with a request for recognition of learning results in non-formal and/or informal education. Any documents can be attached to the application (certificates, certificates etc), which confirm those skills, which the student received during his studies.
Dean of the faculty (the director of the vocational college, head of the postgraduate and doctoral studies department) determines the educational discipline together with the guarantor of the educational program, which is offered for re-enrollment based on the recognition of learning outcomes in non-formal and/or informal education, or reasonably refuses this opportunity.
To recognize the results of training in non-formal and/or informal education by order of the dean of the faculty (the director of the vocational college, head of the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies) an expert commission consisting of three people is formed: - dean of the faculty (deputy director for educational and methodological work of the vocational college, head of the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies); - the head of the department (chairman of the cycle commission), according to which a certain academic discipline is fixed, offered for re-enrollment based on the recognition of learning outcomes in non-formal and/or informal education; - one of the teachers, who teaches the same or a related academic discipline.
The expert commission considers the application of the student of education, examines the provided documents, if necessary, conducts an interview with the applicant and, or recalculates learning outcomes, or assigns certification.
If the commission considers it necessary to carry out an attestation, then the student of education is introduced to the program of the academic discipline and the list of questions, which are submitted to the final assessment. In this case, the acquirer is given 10 working days for certification preparation. The commission issues a final assessment based on the ONTU and EKTS scale. If the acquirer received less 60 points, then the results of training in non-formal and/or informal education are not credited to him.
Based on the results of the work, the expert commission forms a protocol, which contains a conclusion on enrollment or non-enrollment of the relevant discipline (credits of the discipline). Protocols are stored for 5 years.
When re-enrolling in an educational discipline in accordance with the decision of the expert commission, the applicant's educational card is entered: the name of the discipline, total hours/credits, assessment and basis for re-enrollment (number of the protocol of the expert commission). The applicant is exempted from studying the re-enrolled discipline in the next semester.
In the event of a negative conclusion of the commission regarding the recognition of study results, the applicant has the right to apply for an appeal to the rector of the university. By order, the rector creates an appeal commission consisting of the dean of the faculty (the director of the vocational college, head of the department of postgraduate and doctoral studies) and teachers of the department (cycle commission), who were not part of the expert commission. Appeal commission during 5 working days, based on the results of the complaint review, makes a reasoned decision on full or partial satisfaction of the complaint or on leaving the submitted complaint unsatisfied.
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