Excursions and practice at enterprises

Cfandpractice with STOV «AgrofIrma Petrodolynske"

Today, Odesa National Technological University trains specialists in the specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products”, which are profiled in the presented industry!!!! High qualification of teachers, close cooperation of two graduate departments with representatives of specialized enterprises and talented students – this is a guarantee of success!!!! So 23 October 2021 year – a working meeting of government representatives was devoted to the development of dairy farming in the Odesa region, farmers, entrepreneurs and scientists on the basis of the agricultural company "Petrodolinske" and the complex "Agrolandia". Breeding and maintenance of cows, milk processing is a long-term and low-profit business, which needs "long" money and cannot do without state support. The European Union invests no less in the development and support of the agro-industrial complex every year 24 billion. euro. Head of Odesa Regional State Administration Serhii Rafailovich Hrynevetskyi noted, that the basis of the development of rural areas is animal husbandry, and livestock and fodder are the basis of animal husbandry development. Unfortunately, the result of the previous years was a significant decrease in the number of animals in Ukraine, and in particular in the Odesa region. So, compared to 1990 During the year, the number of large cattle decreased from 1,9 million. to 147 thousand, birds – with 19 million heads to 2,1 million. in 2020 year. As a result – reduction of consumption by residents of the region, meat from 35 kg to 15,2. Such attention of the authorities to the development of agriculture in our region will improve the supply of residents with necessary and high-quality food products. This whole process requires modern technologies and specialized specialists, in particular in the field of grain technology and compound feed, technologies for the production of meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, etc. For financial support, the state adopted the National Program for the Development of the Dairy Industry, which provides for an increase in the number of cows with 1,7 million heads to 3,0 million, milk production in Ukraine should increase from 6,5 million tons. to – 10 million tons. So there is hope, that in the end the price of milk in Ukraine will become lower, than in EU countries! And this requires professional personnel. Odesa National Technological University has more than 50 years of experience in training specialists for the meat and dairy industry.

Video material STOV “Agrofirma Petrodolynske”

27 February 2023. at the beginning of students' pre-diploma practice 4 and 5 courses of full-time and part-time forms of education 181 and 204 specialties, an online meeting was held with: dean of the faculty of technology and commodity science of food products and food business (TtaTHPiPB) Sharahmatova Tetyana Yevgeniyvna, head of the department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry (TMOZHPtaIK) Dmytro Mykhailovych Skrypnichenko, by Oksana Borysivna Chabanova, deputy dean of the faculty of TtaTCHPiPB, and Yevgeny Oleksandrovich Kotlyar, who is responsible for practical training and employment at the department of TMOZHPtaIK. Explanatory work was conducted with the students, regarding the peculiarities of training in wartime.

Practical experience is an integral part of quality modern education. Students of the Department of Milk Technology, of oil and fat products and the beauty industry of ONTU and got acquainted with the STOV agricultural company “Petrodolinsk”, that in Odesa. Thank you for the warm welcome and interesting tour of the farm manager Leonid Anatoliyovych. By the way, the farm is eagerly waiting for future specialists to come to work.

Employers are involved in the organization of the educational process at the OP during the organization and conduct of introductory and pre-diploma practices, excursions to enterprises of the industry. So, 30.06.2021p. an excursion was held at "Mukko" LLC, where the co-owner of the enterprise, Kmit Nazar, familiarized the collectors with the production. We express our sincere gratitude to the co-owner of the LLC “MUKKO” Nazar Kmit for organizing a wonderful excursion for students of the specialty 204 “Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products” to farms and a cheese factory!!!! We are sincerely glad of such close cooperation with our employers!!!

Familiarization practice 2021. at the department of milk technology, of oil and fat products and the beauty industry of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies!

05 July 2019 p. – together with students of the first year of the Faculty of Science and Technology of TtaTKHPiPB #ONACHT visited LLC “Lustdorf” Vinnytsia region, m, Illini people (TM “Selyanske”, “Welcome”) – one of the leaders in the quantity and quality of milk processing in Ukraine. A real example of industry interaction, business and higher education. The company organized and paid for the Odesa-Illintsi-Odesa transfer, organized the excursion, tasting and lunch for all visitors. We thank the management and all members of the LLC “Lustdorf“#Selyanske for the organization of the event and the warm welcome.

Completion of the discipline course “Technology of fats and fat substitutes” for the TM-33-b academic group as a visiting lecture at the LLC enterprise “Ava” Odesa plant of seed and vegetable oils! We thank the management of this company with many years of history for the warm welcome.

Meeting of students with a representative of the Pologiv Oil Extraction Plant (the city of Pologi, Zaporizhzhia region).

11.07.2018 – as part of the familiarization practice, they visited the enterprise for the production of semi-finished meat products “Vladivostok courtyard”. Own farm, their land for growing fodder, own slaughterhouse and processing – the right approach to business.

05.07.2018 together with the students of the first year of the Faculty of Technology and Commodity Science of Food Products and Food Business visited the Odesa Oil and Fat Plant as part of a familiarization practice, trademark “Sunny Valley”. They saw the technological process of mayonnaise production. We thank the management of the enterprise for the educational tour.

We express our gratitude to the enterprise PrJSC “Lactalis-Mykolaiv” for an excellent opportunity to practice at a modern dairy enterprise.

Lactalis-Mykolaiv PJSC belongs to the French company Lactalis Groupe, which is one of the largest producers of dairy products in the world.

Lactalis products are presented on the Ukrainian market under well-known brands: President, "Dolce", "Lactonia", Lactel, Fanny and LocoMoco

Lactalis has an HACCP system implemented, certified integrated management system for the quality and safety of food products in accordance with the requirements of ISO standards.

“Lactalis” – it's tasty, useful, qualitatively!

List of basic contracts for students' practice


  • TOV "AVA";

  • TOV "MUKKO";

  • FOP Kornyushenko N.V. ("European Cheese Factory");


  • TOV "VELES";

  • FC "Biostimulator" LLC.

Foreign practice: LLC "Profitim" (Germany).