Graduates of the department

Over all the years of its existence, the department has prepared more 2500 specialists, who work in Ukraine and abroad (in Moldova, Belarus, Russian Federation, Germany, Denmark, Holland, of France, Israel, USA etc) at enterprises of the milk processing industry for the production of whole milk products, cheeses, oils, canned milk and ice cream. The acquired knowledge allows graduates to be competitive in the labor market, successfully build your career and work fruitfully as heads of ministries, departments, the main specialists, managers, heads of shifts and shops, heads of laboratories, technologists, joint-stock chemical engineers, private and joint enterprises, in research and design organizations, in higher educational institutions.

Among them, one can note prominent scientists, doctors and candidates of sciences - M.O. Grishina, V.I. Kruglik, O.P. Chaharovsky, ON. Tkachenko, M.I. Pogozhih, heads of enterprises - V.P. Chaharovsky, M.O. Artemiev, O.S. Logvinenka, S.V. Kiselyova, O.M. Demidenko, V.A. Bakalenko, M.S. Kiselyova, L.V. A whisper, A.G. Suleimanov, O.V. Fesenko and many others. Graduates of the department renew the engineering and technical staff of enterprises in the milk processing industry; they are employed as production directors, technologists, heads of laboratories, product quality assurance engineers, workshop masters, etc.

Graduate of 2022. – Spirina Julia


A master's degree is necessary for a person to have the right to hold managerial positions. For people with a master's degree, professional growth will be fast, even in conditions of high competition. A master's degree significantly increases the chances of employment by specialty in analytical and research centers, large corporations. It is especially felt, what does "bachelor's" or "master's" mean when employed in business structures or in the civil service. Employers are well informed, that masters have completed a number of internships, participated in practical seminars and master classes. For an employer, a person with a master's degree is not just an employee, who potentially has more knowledge, and also a person, who devoted enough of her time to her own education and development. She is ready to put in effort and get results, and this is already very much appreciated!

In order to develop research skills in graduate students, and also for the purpose of generalization, systematization, deepening knowledge of technology and production, the curriculum provides training, writing and defense of a research master's thesis by each master's student.

My master's work was aimed at developing new and improving existing technologies, which allows you to get high-quality scrubs for women's and men's heels, with the use of secondary products of the oil and fat industry, namely bone crumbs, obtained from apricot and almond shells.

The department prepares masters in the specialty 181 "Food technologies":

?OP." Milk technologies, of fats and products for the beauty industry" provides for the preparation of masters for three branches - milk processing, oil-fat and perfume-cosmetic, including spa salons, massage parlors, etc.

?WHOP. "Quality and safety control in the food industry and in the beauty industry" prepares masters for the implementation of HACCP safety control systems at all enterprises of the food and perfumery and cosmetic industries.

☝☝☝Only this year there is an opportunity to enter the master's program based on the results of the entrance internal exam; admission to the contractual form of education only on the basis of a motivation letter!!! ⚡⚡⚡This is a unique chance to realize your wishes - to get a higher education without complications and obstacles.

#admission 2022 #onto #master's degree #to study #career choices #Higher Education #admission_to_master's degree #milk_department #beauty_industry

Meet me - me, technician-technologist of the technological department Iryna Koloskova

"I graduated from the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies and received a master's degree in the specialty "Food Technologies" at the end 2019 year. Until that moment, I had an internship at various enterprises, working in the food industry and wanted to work in a specialty, but somewhere close to home – in Odesa region. I learned about the opportunity to work at "Delta Wilmar Ukraine" during the job fair. There were very good reviews about the company – equipping the laboratory with modern measuring equipment and laboratory equipment allows effective control of physico-chemical indicators and safety indicators at all stages of production. Delta Wilmar Ukraine is also one of the largest exporters to Europe.

So at the beginning of spring 2020 I got a job as a chemical analysis laboratory technician in a production laboratory".

The first working days were memorable with a large amount of new information and a friendly team, who taught, directed, prompted.

"First, Of course, it was difficult for me, although among knowledge, which I received at the academy, there were also theories, and practice. I quickly became friends with the team, who helped in every way, and mastery came already in the process of work.

To me, apparently, that helped a lot, that I love the food industry, as it is a constant development, you are constantly learning new things, you develop new products for the consumer. Nice to know that, what do you do that is useful for others".

As Iryna Koloskova comments, the most difficult thing in her work – is to be stress-resistant, but our interlocutor not only successfully copes with this task, and also confidently builds a career in the company.

"I worked as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant 6 months, and after that she went for a promotion. I remember, then the company was looking for a technologist and first held an internal competition".

"I quickly learn everything new and overcome difficulties, so I decided to try myself in a new position and sent my resume. She passed an interview with the chief technologist of Kulinich Svitlana Semenivna and moved to a new position. In the technological department, we monitor the production of products every day, compliance with the requirements of technological documentation in production and we develop new products in accordance with customer requirements. The volume of our work is very large. Colleagues constantly help and teach me in everything.

We undergo various trainings, Certification training, we go on a business trip, where we gain new experience. The company supports the development of young specialists in every possible way. This is a constant movement forward in the profession. And that, Of course, very interesting and exciting.

My daily work tasks – this is the implementation of experimental technological processes on a pilot plant:

– transesterification of oils and fats;

– processes of neutralization and winterization of sunflower oil;

– physical refining to obtain RVD of oils and fats: bleaching and deodorization processes;

-production of experimental batches of margarine and fat products;

– testing of bleaching clays, pearlite, activated carbon and other auxiliary materials.

Also, this is constant participation in the tasting of fatty raw materials and products, that is issued, in the development of new types of products and analogues of competitors, in updating product specifications for our customers".

I'm sure, that people will be able to find themselves in Delta Wilmar Ukraine, who strive for development and acquisition of new knowledge, and – sincerely love their work.

We will remind, that Delta Wilmar Ukraine has an internship program for graduate students.

Dear Teachers and Colleagues!

Very glad, that two years ago, from several variants of ZVO, Romania and Ukraine, where you can gain professional knowledge in my specialty, I chose the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, which is located in such a wonderful, colorful, with very friendly residents, the southern sea city of Odessa!

Thanks to studying at the Academy, received a full-fledged baggage of knowledge, made new friends among colleagues and teachers.

I am grateful to the teachers themselves, who had to adapt their established teaching methods to the epidemiological situation and share with us, students, accumulated knowledge with the help of modern “gadgets”.

It was very pleasant to receive the same knowledge from teachers of a high level of education, with whom you can easily communicate and discuss topics, that interest.

To me, as a technologist of oil and fat production, in addition to improving my knowledge of oil production, it was interesting to dive into the beauty industry, namely, to participate in the production of cosmetic soaps and creation of creams in laboratory conditions.

These two years of study were spent in a warm and friendly atmosphere, somewhere with Odessa humor, which left a sea of ​​pleasant impressions.

And as a student from Moldova, it was nice to join the Ukrainian team of teachers and students!

Thank you to all professors and teaching staff of the Academy and the Department of Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry.

Volodymyr Viktorovych Anichin, chief technologist at the milk processing enterprise MUKKO LLC, studied at the Odesa National Technological University at the Department of Milk Technology, of oil and fat products and the beauty industry in 2021-2022. During my studies, I was impressed by the competence of the teachers, because they have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. Defense of the master's thesis on the topic “Development of soft cheese technology “Camembert” from the milk of Holstein cows” passed not only theoretically, and practically. Because during the writing of the scientific paper, I developed and improved the technology for the production of soft cheese with the help of a scientific supervisor on the basis of a farm. I am grateful for such qualified support and am proud to be a graduate of this university.

Ph.D.-Prof.-Chagarovsky-A.P.-510x645Chaharovsky Oleksandr Petrovych

Graduation year – 1975.
TOV "Hr". Hansen Ukraine »- CEO; Doctor of Engineering, Professor of the Department of Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry

With a smile, you remember running from audience to audience, the hustle and bustle of exams, laughter, adventures within the walls of the institute, and most importantly, who became close and dear people. Friends and teachers – this is the biggest acquisition, received during the years of study in the walls of the academy. I wish the teachers good health, intelligent and responsible students and, of course, patience in their work. Wishes to students – spend your student years with pleasure, the most unforgettable in life. Accept knowledge and experience, which the teachers give you.

Makarenko Maryna Serhiivna

Dear reader, if you are an applicant and are currently faced with choosing a future profession, it's just that, what you need! Enough thinking - join the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies! I have an endless list of "PROS", which I will try to squeeze into the next few paragraphs! After graduating from school in 2003 year with a gold medal, I firmly decided, that I will enter ONAKHT in the specialty "Storage technology, canning and processing of milk". Many of my friends were surprised, why didn't I choose a more "prestigious" then legal one, financial, economic... And I was sure of my choice, Moreover, if we could go back in time now, she would not change her decision for anything! Whatever happens, and people always need to eat, and spring 2020 of the year perfectly illustrated the list of really necessary and important professions! I work in the food industry already 13 years and I can say with confidence, that there is a lack of good specialists, large companies "fight" for them on the labor market and offer decent working conditions and wages. And this is how my work unfolded: in 2008 year, after graduating from the Academy with a red diploma, I started looking for a job, although, to be more precise, – work was "looking" for me. I had 5 possible options, and I made a choice, then it fell on the Bilotserki dairy plant (now it is a TerraFood company, TM "Farm" and others). It was a colossal experience - the enterprise was built from scratch using the latest technology, start of production, first launches, young team, I always remember those years with a smile. The next place of my work was the international company Danon - working here changed my outlook and significantly expanded my horizons: world quality standards, best practices, the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with specialists around the world. It fueled me to take the next step – moving to the DuPont company, which produces ingredients for all branches of the food industry and cooperates with global food manufacturers around the world. How many new cities, how many countries have I visited, how many interesting people I met and continue to meet, it's hard to put into words! And I'm sure - the most interesting is ahead!

And what about the knowledge gained during the years of study at the Academy, you ask? After all, many people speak, that "in practice" everything is different. Don't believe them!!! ONAKHT is staffed by experienced teachers who are experts in their field. I confess, I still keep notes on the chemistry and technology of milk and periodically look at them 😉!

I wish you to find your profession!

Maryna Makarenko, infinitely grateful graduate of the Department of Milk Technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry!

Vitaly Bakalenko

Bakalenko Vitaly Anatoliyovych

End date – 2006 year.
Career – engineer- technologist (regional representative in the South of Ukraine) TOV "Hr". Hansen Ukraine", technologist at TOV “Hormolzavod”. Plans for the future – career growth, financial growth, own business.

Student years are the most fun, that are remembered, the academy provided a base of knowledge and a push into adulthood. I wish the teachers good health, longevity, stay the same, fair and demanding. Recommendations for students – don't waste your time, spend more time with your classmates and of course don't forget about studying!


Chaharovsky Vadym Petrovych

Graduation year – 1975.
Vice President of Terra Food Company, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine.

Student years – the most unforgettable, for 5 years many memorable moments: and learning, and active recreation with classmates, and artistic self-activity. Best wishes to the teachers – with pleasure to convey knowledge to students, of course, be patient with students. Wishes to students – I wish you a good time 5 years of study at the academy, to get maximum theoretical and practical skills, which may be useful to you in further work. And of course love your specialty.

Demidenko Alexander Nikolaevich

Oleksandr Mykolayovych Demydenko

Graduation year – 2002.
SF LLC "Elit" – the head of the ice cream production shop.

You remember student life with nostalgia: money, adventures within the walls of the institute, very friendly staff of the native department.
I wish the teachers good health, longevity, patience.
Wishes to students – study diligently, treat your future profession with respect and dignity.


Kiselyov Sergey Vasyliovych
ONAHT end date – June 1984 p.
Career achievements (positions and places of work):
August 1984. – June 2001 p. – chief engineer of the Tarutyn cheese factory (Odesa region). June 2001 p. – may 2007 p. – Chief mechanic, technical director, head of the energy management department, chief engineer of JSC "Kremenchutsk City Milk Plant" (Poltava). June 2007 p. – January 2010 p. – general director of JSC "Reshetylivsky Maslozavod" (Poltava). February 2010 p. until now – General Director of PJSC "Kremenchutsk City Dairy Plant". Plans for the future: completion of the previously started reconstruction of the enterprise, which is now part of the world corporation "Danone-Unimilk".

Contests among the faculties on artistic self-activity were remembered, cleaning vegetables in the first year, participation in the work of the student council of the dormitory and the Komsomol committee of the faculty, construction of a bar in dormitory No. 5, trip to Hungary. Best wishes to the teachers: and continue to maintain a high level of training of specialists – graduates of our university have always been distinguished by this. Recommendations for students: try to practice during the entire training to go through the real thing – I understand, that it is difficult now, but it helps a lot in the future. And conscientiously study all subjects.

Parubok Anastasia

From all representatives of the food industry, I'm probably the luckiest, because the results of the work of the team in which I work make both children and adults happy. At the moment, I work as a chief technologist at Zhytomyr Maslozavod JSC (TM "Rud"). We produce the most delicious, the best dessert in the world is ICE CREAM.

U 2009 p. I received an engineering and technical education and received a diploma with honors within the walls of ONAKHT at the Faculty of Technology and Commodity Science of Food Products and Food Business. Extremely powerful teaching staff of the Department "Milk Technologies, oil and fat products and the beauty industry", creative and sports activities in the academy, saturated, fun student life is unforgettable impressions and warm memories, which will stay with me for the rest of my life.

Our graduation year coincided with another crisis in the country, therefore, I had to go through more than one interview before getting my first job. But in the end, thanks to the Department of Employment Assistance for Students and Graduates of the Academy, which also deals with practice for students, I got my first job in my specialty. Already in two years, she received an offer to take the position of chief technologist at the company "Three Bears".

I want to say, that any work is not easy, every profession requires persistence. Experience is gained over time. The main thing is to decide, what you need, and then set a goal for yourself and make every effort to achieve it.

I wish all applicants successful exams, positive, inspiration and move only forward and upward!

Oksana Volchkova

I received a master's degree in the specialty "Storage technology, canning and processing of milk" in 2013 p.

My professional path began at the State Enterprise "Starkostiantynivsky Dairy Plant" as a laboratory assistant, but managed to rise to the position of a junior technologist very quickly. After completing my master's degree, I was selected for the position of a dairy technologist in an Israeli company. Tessa Dairy Machinery Ltd. is engaged in the production of complex lines for milk processing enterprises. As part of my work in this company, I launched dairy factories in Azerbaijan, Sri Lankans, Ghani, Uganda, Sweden and Israel.

U 2018 I was offered a work contract in the international biotechnology company Chr. Hansen. I held the position of a technologist. As a technologist, Chr. Hansen includes optimization of technological processes and participation in the development of new types of dairy products at the enterprises of Ukrainian manufacturers.

I would like to sincerely thank the teachers of ONAKHT for their professional work, provided knowledge and opportunity to develop your career in international markets.

Starch Olga

I am a graduate 2014 year. I want to share my impressions about studying at the academy and my professional path.

U 2009 entered the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies in the specialty "Storage Technologies, canning and processing of milk". After admission, I was convinced of the expediency and perspective of this study and that, that in the future the received diploma will help me in self-realization and in finding a job in my field (which did not make you wait long). Studying, I personally discovered a lot of new and unknown things for myself. The process of studying at ONAKHT is quite easy and interesting, as the teachers help and do their best to explain the subjects and give instructions and advice. Thanks to the knowledge gained at ONAKHT, new perspectives opened up for me.

She finished her master's degree at 2014 year and immediately got a job at Terra Food LLC, namely for the production of processed cheeses. WITH 2020 I work at the ice cream factory Tiras LLC – TM "Mozaika" as the head of the production laboratory.

Today, looking back, i don't regret, that made such a choice. I received an interesting one, a profession respected by people.

I remember the years of study with gratitude, their classmates and teachers.

Ihor Sukhina

U 2009 p. I received an engineering and technical education and received a specialist diploma in storage technology, canning and processing of milk within the walls of ONAKHT at the Faculty of Technology and Commodity Science of Food Products and Food Business. Highly qualified teaching staff of the Department "Milk Technologies, oil and fat products and the beauty industry", creative and sports-filled student life at the academy - all these unforgettable impressions will remain with me forever.

Immediately after graduating from the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, he was employed as a foreman at Khrystinivsky Dairy Plant. IN 2011 transferred to the position of chief technologist at Aldolat LLC. WITH 2013 by 2014 p. - worked as the head of the cheese packing department at "Inter Food" LLC, Kryzhopol branch. WITH 2014 by 2018 p. – chief technologist at LLC “ROSSA”. U 2019-2020 p. - worked as a production manager at Happy Milk Plus LLC. Today, he is the master of the ultrapasteurized milk production department at Terra Food LLC. I want to note, that the knowledge obtained while studying at the department of milk technology, of oil and fat products and the beauty industry at ONAKHT provided an opportunity to start your career growth from a managerial position immediately after studying. A successful start was also possible thanks to repeated internships at leading enterprises during studies and highly qualified teaching staff, who always coordinated and correctly guided during the study.

I wish all the applicants a successful admission and make the right choice! Positive, inspiration and movement only forward!

Zagorodnya Tamara

My name is Tamara. U 2019 I graduated from the Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies. Studied by profession “Technologies and management of dairy business”. I can say, що вчитися на цій спеціальності не складно, а більш того – цікаво! Оскільки окрім лекцій, існують і лабораторні заняття, ви можете не лише дізнатися нову інформацію про харчові технології, але і самому поринути в технологічний процес виробництва. ОНАХТ допомогла мені дізнатися багато корисної інформації не лише для роботи технолога, але і для життя.

Окрім пізнавального навчання, прекрасних кваліфікованих викладачів, академія також допомагає урізноманітнити студентське життя. У студентів є можливість взяти участь в різних конкурсах, олімпіадах, ярмарках, екскурсіях, спортивних змаганнях і багато чого іншого. Мені не мало пощастило і академія допомогла зробити крок до моєї мріїпобувати за кордоном і побачити свою спеціальність по новому.

Завдяки програмі Erasmus+ мені вдалося побувати в Естонії. Академія харчових технологій допомогла підготуватися і пройти співбесіду, оформити усі потрібні документи. У Європі, я змогла пізнати нові технології виробництва в харчовій промисловості. У лабораторії Естонського університету природних наук я змогла самостійно зробити сирМоцарелаз високоякісного молока і після цього написати наукову роботу, яка містила в собі багато матеріалу з іноземних літературних джерел. Мені випала нагода познайомитись з іншими іноземними студентами, відвідати багато екскурсій та навіть помандрувати.

Неможливо передати тих емоцій, які були отримані завдяки цьому досвіду. Головне питання скільки коштує така пропозиція? Завдяки тому, що ви є студентом ОНАХТ і за укладеним договором, вам надається стипендія, якої вистачить на проживання, розваги і подорожі.

Не упусти свій шанс, вступай до ОНАХТ і проведи свої кращі студентські роки цікаво і корисно!

Касьян Світлана

Я ‒ випускниця 2020! Моє знайомство з академією відбулося у 2013 year. На той момент мені виповнився 21 year, я чітко знала з якою професією пов’язати життя, але не знала якому ЗВО довірити свою жагу до навчання. Це зараз розумію, що випадковості ‒ не випадкові, але саме в момент моїх вагань і роздумів натрапила на рекламний банер ОНАХТ. Вирішила ризикнути, і вступила на молоду на той час спеціальність «Технології жирів та жирозамінників».

З першого дня мого навчання працювала у виробничій лабораторії, зайнявши посаду молодшого лаборанта на першому курсі, дійшла до випускного курсу на посаді хіміка в компанії-гіганті «Kernel”.

Пишу тобі ці рядки, а сама не розумію, коли встигли промайнути роки навчання. Життя Академії ‒ це злагоджений механізм з дивовижними викладачами! Тільки тут я побачила стільки відкритих дверей, в прямому розумінні цього слова! А скільки підтримки і віри ! Я жодного разу не відчула, що я ‒ студент заочної форми навчання: ставлення до всіх однакове і рівень знань здобули не менше ніж на денній формі. Тільки в Академії з викладачами можна бути на одній хвилі: вони навчали мене теорії, а я, in turn, ділилася успіхами впровадження знань в практику. Завжди можу зателефонувати і попросити компетентної поради, адже у стінах академії працює висококваліфікований та завжди готовий прийти на допомогу колектив.

Моя розповідь ‒ лише маленька частинка всіх переваг на користь Академії!

Бажаю успіхів та правильного вибору!