ONTU (ONACHT) invites you to prepare for the national multi-subject test on the history of Ukraine for free

Odessa National Technological University (Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies) invites students of higher education to prepare for the national multi-subject test on the history of Ukraine free of charge every Thursday from 16.00 to 18.15 in Zoom.

Identifier: 995 760 4717

Password: 2tjU1S

How to write a motivational letter


For admission to the specialty 204 "Technology of production and processing of livestock products" external examinations are necessary:

  • Ukrainian language;

  • biology;

  • history of Ukraine or chemistry, or a foreign language, or physics, or mathematics, or geography.

Profession for all time! The ability to produce high-quality and safe meat and dairy products from raw materials to finished products

Educational and professional program "Technology of production and processing of animal husbandry products" - training of specialists of a new generation to organize the activities of modern farms for raising agricultural animals and obtaining high-quality products of animal origin - meat and milk; for the organization of business activities at meat and dairy enterprises; for the introduction of existing and development of new technologies of high-quality and safe meat and dairy products.

In recent years, consumer interest in a healthy lifestyle has increased all over the world, which involves the consumption of high-quality and safe food products, made according to the principle "from the rope to the table". Therefore, the meat and dairy industries are interested in specialists in the production and processing of livestock products today.

Graduates of the specialty 204 "Technology of production and processing of livestock products" can work:

  • on modern complexes for breeding agricultural animals,
  • at meat enterprises for processing the meat of farm animals into sausage products, smoked meats, canned meat, semi-finished products, etc,
  • at modern complexes for obtaining high-quality milk from farm animals,
  • at milk processing enterprises for the processing of milk of various types of mammals into cheese, butter, drinkable milk, fermented milk drinks, sour cream, ice, canned milk, etc,
  • in laboratories for determining the quality and safety of raw materials of animal origin, meat and dairy products,
  • in project organizations for the design of mini-complexes and modern high-performance enterprises for the production and processing of livestock products,
  • in the organization of mini-enterprises for the production of craft dairy and meat products.

Specialists in the technology of production and processing of livestock products will be able to provide parameters and control technological processes in the production and processing of livestock products; use methods of assessing the adequacy of feeding, microclimate of premises and methods of keeping animals; control primary and zootechnical accounting on farms; have professional knowledge of the technology of processing raw materials of animal origin into high-quality and safe meat and dairy products; carry out veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of raw materials of animal origin, dairy and meat products; to organize waste-free milk production- and meat processing enterprises.

Profile disciplines of the direction are:

  • Biology with the basics of zoology and morphology,
  • Veterinary-hygienic and zootechnical foundations of the organization of dairy farms,
  • Veterinary-sanitary and technological examination of milk,
  • Breeding and genetics of agricultural animals and poultry,
  • Genotypes of mammals in the formation of milk quality,
  • Physics and chemistry of meat and dairy raw materials,
  • Technology of production and primary processing of meat and livestock products,
  • Technology of production and primary processing of pig products,
  • Production technology of poultry and rabbit breeding products,
  • Modeling the quality of livestock and poultry meat,
  • Milk processing technology,
  • Meat processing technology,
  • Safety in the production and processing of milk,
  • Technology of beekeeping products,
  • Fundamentals of veterinary medicine.

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Department of Milk Technology, of oil and fat products and the beauty industry ONAKHT invites you to study in the master's degree for full-time and part-time forms of study for the specialty 181 “Food technologies”, educational programs”Milk technologies, oil and fat products and the beauty industry” “Quality and safety control in the food industry”

Program “Milk technologies, oil and fat products and the beauty industry” provides master's training for three branches – milk processing plant, oil-fat and perfume-cosmetic, including spa salons, massage parlors, etc.

Program ” Quality and safety control in the food industry” prepares masters for the implementation of HACCP safety control systems at all food industry enterprises.

For all questions, contact the head of the department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Natalia Andriivna Tkachenko. Tel./viber +380956232362

ALL ABOUT THE INTRODUCTION. Meeting with the ONTU Admissions Committee

Dear applicants!
The Admissions Committee of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies organizes a meeting in the format of a Zoom conference 11 June 2021 year of 17:00.
We invite you to join the meeting and get answers to all your questions about admission 2021!
Link to Zoom conference: link
Conference ID: 221 065 3246
Access code: ONAFT2021

Dear graduates of professional colleges!

We invite YOU to study with 15 March 2021 year!

Recruitment is carried out for full-time and part-time education!


                                 1. Availability 2 certificates of external examination:

                          1) Ukrainian language and literature;

                           2) Mathematics (History of Ukraine, Foreign Language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry or Geography);

                 Note: minimum score for admission – 100 points.

                  2. Entrance test in the form of an interview.

                 Note: additional entrance test for non-major specialties.