member of the Association of European Universities (European University Association)
License of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine AB No 498464 from 25.11.2009., IV level of accreditation
Department of milk technology, oil and fat products and the beauty industry

Member of the union of dairy enterprises of Ukraine

Member of the Association of Ukrainian Manufacturers "Ice Cream and Frozen Products"

Member of the Association "Perfume and Cosmetics of Ukraine"

Member of the association "Ukroliyaprom"

Member of the Odesa region milkmen's association

Invites to study!

The department trains highly qualified specialists (bachelors and masters) according to the following educational programs.

– the leading specialized department of Ukraine for the training of highly qualified specialists;
– quality education in full-time and extramural forms of education;
– the possibility of obtaining a double degree;
– providing all students with a dormitory;
– convenient location of educational buildings and dormitories in the city center in the resort area;
– free access of students to a modern sports complex with gyms and a swimming pool;
– rest in student camps on the shores of the Black Sea and in the Carpathians;
– practice and internship at modern enterprises in Ukraine and abroad;
– the possibility of creating new products, cosmetics, obtaining patents.